I thought maybe he had an involuntary tic with all the winking. The other stuff seems like he is coming on to you, in a weird way though. I'd ask him what his deal is.
JoinedPosts by serenitynow!
Is this secret code for 'have an affair with me' ?
by tec ini would just like some opinions on something that seems strange to me.
there is a man at my sons' school who comes every day to pick up his daughter.
he has always been friendly with me, and i am friendly back, which is fine.
So your telling me you can be an a**hole until you get bapitized, and other tales...
by Confuzzled inwithout launching into my saga, of which many of you already know, i have a jw baby daddy who besides being a jw is an emotional midget w/women issues....i continue to come here for support and info concerning the future of my infant and the quirks of the jw family & belief system at large, and what i will be dealing with in the future, bf or no bf, so this inquiry has nothing to do with my relationship with this person or lack-there-of, i'm just seeking answers to what seems puzzling.
my posts are lacking in any specific detail as to not alert any possible lurking done my boyfriend or his family members, call me paranoid but it sometimes the circumstances, should they be stumbled on, are far to unique for it to be anybody other then this person, or their family.. anyhoo, my non-baptized jw bf is mad at his mother, along with many of his brothers and sisters (he has a huge family).
mama, it turns out was never baptized, even though she has been a jw for as long as my boyfriend has been alive (almost 40 yrs).
Yes Confuzzled it is scary to hear JWs the world over all repeating the same terms. Of course we were taught while in, that that was the "Pure Language" we were speaking. Just mind control. It is really scary when you talk to ex JWs and you all have similar family history, parents occupation, etc.
"All athiests/agnostics will regret their path and beg God to take them in before their death..."
by sabastious inthat's what my older jw brother of 34 said a few months back.
he actually 100% believes that an athiest cannot have a happy life.. -sab.
"It's God who has turned his back to us."
That's how I feel, danielp. I mean seriously, how long is it going to take for him to see what the world has come to and act? I feel like if he's cool with things like the holocaust, and all the other atrocities that have gone on with no intervention from him, why should I be bothered with being overly concerned with whether or not I am pleasing him? I'm just here living a nice normal life not harming anyone. If I could ask him anything it would be why has he been so inactive, esp for those of us who have, or still do strive to live scripturally? What exactly is the point?
Sorry for the rant.
So your telling me you can be an a**hole until you get bapitized, and other tales...
by Confuzzled inwithout launching into my saga, of which many of you already know, i have a jw baby daddy who besides being a jw is an emotional midget w/women issues....i continue to come here for support and info concerning the future of my infant and the quirks of the jw family & belief system at large, and what i will be dealing with in the future, bf or no bf, so this inquiry has nothing to do with my relationship with this person or lack-there-of, i'm just seeking answers to what seems puzzling.
my posts are lacking in any specific detail as to not alert any possible lurking done my boyfriend or his family members, call me paranoid but it sometimes the circumstances, should they be stumbled on, are far to unique for it to be anybody other then this person, or their family.. anyhoo, my non-baptized jw bf is mad at his mother, along with many of his brothers and sisters (he has a huge family).
mama, it turns out was never baptized, even though she has been a jw for as long as my boyfriend has been alive (almost 40 yrs).
Yeah they definitely do not believe in grace. If the bible is to be believed, our sins are covered/forgiven through the blood of Jesus. So the elders and their man-made JCs don't even figure in that equation. If they can't guilt and mark people though, they won't have any control over folks. And control is very important in this cult.
"All athiests/agnostics will regret their path and beg God to take them in before their death..."
by sabastious inthat's what my older jw brother of 34 said a few months back.
he actually 100% believes that an athiest cannot have a happy life.. -sab.
"He probably liked those Shasta colas, too."
Hey! Those "sprites" were good!
been stalked by a mormon boy today in the street ! so persistant it was scarey
by looloo ini was going to school to pick up my little one and was running late already when i saw a lady i know from church she was shouting something about god at somebody , she said to me "watch out jws about " so i was relieved when i noticed the 2 young men chatting to another person and thought i would whizz past quickly , but one of them got me , i said i was in a rush but he insisted on walking with me , i told him i had had a jw experiance that put me off religions for ever , he told me he was a mormon , and then started about "lucifer was nothing to fear bla bla bla " i said i know you mean well but i trust nobody after what happened to my daughter and im not interested , he said he was very sorry about my daughter and gave up !
ive lived here 18 months and has quite a few mormon experiances but only 2 jw ones , it appears the mormons are spreading the word more than jws !
do they believe in armageddon ?.
I don't know. I heard they do have some funky afterlife views, about various heavens though. I have found when it comes to people trying to proselytise to me, what works best is the old stand by from FS, "I have my own religion." I usually say it as I am closing the door or walking away. Do not break stride, conversation is not an option. Unless you really want to talk!
Most people who are not JW's live with out moral restrain! All who have left the "Truth" regret it. June 15th WT
by life is to short inin the june 15th wt it says on page 9 i will just write it out as it is to hard and unbelievable to preface this.
so here it is.. "many who today are members of the christian congregation can tell you that before learning of and adopting jehovah's righteous standards, they lived without moral restrain.
yet, they were unsatisfied and unhappy.
That's funny, because all of my years IN the "christian congregation" left ugly emotional scars that will never go away. How do they explain that?
I know I loved that song too.
I remember I thought I had when I was a teen. I thought I knew about my religion, and enough about other religions. Boy was I wrong.
So your telling me you can be an a**hole until you get bapitized, and other tales...
by Confuzzled inwithout launching into my saga, of which many of you already know, i have a jw baby daddy who besides being a jw is an emotional midget w/women issues....i continue to come here for support and info concerning the future of my infant and the quirks of the jw family & belief system at large, and what i will be dealing with in the future, bf or no bf, so this inquiry has nothing to do with my relationship with this person or lack-there-of, i'm just seeking answers to what seems puzzling.
my posts are lacking in any specific detail as to not alert any possible lurking done my boyfriend or his family members, call me paranoid but it sometimes the circumstances, should they be stumbled on, are far to unique for it to be anybody other then this person, or their family.. anyhoo, my non-baptized jw bf is mad at his mother, along with many of his brothers and sisters (he has a huge family).
mama, it turns out was never baptized, even though she has been a jw for as long as my boyfriend has been alive (almost 40 yrs).
When I was a teenager, this guy was desperate to try to sleep with me before the DC when he was getting baptized. Apparently, if you do all your "sinning" before baptism, it doesn't count. BTW, that so did not happen- he was and probably still is, a loser!