Hello question everything:
You sound so familar. We too were raised in the organization and were very strong witnesses. my husband even started partaking at 30 years inside (in 1988) and in Dec 1997 the light went on and holy spirit led us out and everything we had been taught was turned upside down. (flip it) Instead of looking through the window at all other religions when you read let it be a 'mirror' for them. After all....they call themselves 'true Israel'..
But now....it is 'truly fulfillment of what we were raised to..."walk by faith not by sight" "Jah does NOT dwell in handmade temples" "Jesus said My sheep know MY voice and I lead them out" "He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me" (not the WTBS) and it is for ANYONE! "God is a spirit and we must worship him in Spirit and truth"...
The challenge is.... Can we as Israel do this?? now that we may have been led up outta egypt and out in the wilderness? Can we allow ourselves to follow the 'cloud and pillar of fire'??
Or will we murmer that it was much easier in Egypt (our lives were told what to do,eat,wear,watch etc..)
Will we complain about the manna? (CHRIST?TRUTH) and become tired that we cannot "SEE" anything so we ask for a king (like Saul) or even build a golden calf again (the WTBS) and become slaves all over again.
Remember our Lord is NOT delaying..It is us who tire out and choose to get distracted again. Faith is hard! He said is was!
There is NO reason to search for any other building to worship through. Jaheshua is it! He is the one that will NEVER lie, mislead, or decieve us again! The call is out there from Him. He says "COME TO ME" those who are tired. He will lift that yoke and refresh you and take you in." His voice is loud and clear. But can we have faith to hear it?
justmom (who gets distracted, lacks faith and is so grateful He never gives up on us!)