I usually rush around when i have my hair on fire
JoinedPosts by Voices
Do you still rush about??
by watersprout inwhen i was in the wt i was always rushing.... never had time to do anything.... always had the meetings to prep for... dinner to get ready before the meeting... clothes to get ready.... ministry to go on.... there was always something i had to do for jehovah....etc etc etc..... i never sat down and enjoyed being in the moment... i always felt guilty... i would always be thinking ''i shouldn't be sat down i should be doing something for jehovah, he despises a lazy person.
it got soo bad i ended up in a hole to which i couldn't get out.
i needed help to function.. after coming out it took a long time to get used to enjoying some ''quiet'' time.
And the Spirit and the Bride keep saying:
by AGuest inlet anyone hearing say: come!
and let anyone thirsting come.. let anyone that wishes... take lifes water... free.. john 4:10, 13, 14. .
may you all have peace!.
God, you have no idea how much it meant to see a recent post of this invitation. ... thanks.
I'm trying. Just not sure if it's too late in the game for me to get 'caught up ' with all the rest of the good 'children.' But I still try. i don't want to be left behidn either. lol
We are all dirt
by StopTheTears indid you ever stop to realize that we humans are nothing more than dirt?
we are composed of all the foods we eat and the beverages we drink.
everything that we consume comes from the ground, from crops grown in dirt.
I do believe that is Trent Reznor's lyrics from 'Hurt' Nine Inch Nails not Johnny Cash? I'm not firmilar with Mr. Cash's work as much as reznor's. I do believe Johnny Cash did a cover of Reznor's song 'Hurt' ...so maybe that is what you're referring to?
Shutter island
by Voices inokay so i just watched this movie....was he crazy??????
or did he just delude into the project and gotten labotomized?????
I don't think i'd classify his considition entirely PTSD. I mean He definately did have a very complex/severe case of PTSD, but at the same time PTSD doesn't make you hallucinate that's like borderline schitzophrenia or something. I don't know...
A Thing About Language and Thought Processes...
by AGuest inand particularly old/ancient languages (may you all have peace!)..
some often comment as to why i "speak" as i do when i post certain things.
i received from my lord why that is: according to him, in order for one to understand what certain words/passages meant... and/or what was meant by them... what their speaker/author intended... one has to know something of the language... and the thinking behind the words.
Taking it from someone who speaks 4 languages ... English, punjabi, hindi, spanish (i took german in high school but don't really count it as a language anymore cause it was only a semster) ... Saying one thing in another language and the same thing in the next...definately carries different connotations, and when you relay some messages to mean the exact same thing, the original connotation is lost. Only people that speak the language can fully understand...
oh and i know kung Kak in vietnamase means dick head. ...yeah not sure why that's relavent...
Shutter island
by Voices inokay so i just watched this movie....was he crazy??????
or did he just delude into the project and gotten labotomized?????
I agree, it's definately a great movie. It kinda freaks me out that i'm gonna wake up one day and be totally crazed out and realized I shot my cat and disected his organs to find the little engine that could inside or something and now i'm reliving the happier memories before that happened or something!
i love my cat...although he's runing around CRAZY right now for some odd reason. (i think he suffers from some form of anxiety ...poor thing was horribly treated the first 6 months of his life
Shutter island
by Voices inokay so i just watched this movie....was he crazy??????
or did he just delude into the project and gotten labotomized?????
okay so I just watched this movie....was he CRAZY?????? or did he just delude into the project and gotten labotomized????? *confused*
We are all dirt
by StopTheTears indid you ever stop to realize that we humans are nothing more than dirt?
we are composed of all the foods we eat and the beverages we drink.
everything that we consume comes from the ground, from crops grown in dirt.
It just reminded me of the unresolved questions and turmoil that I hve about those issues.
We are all dirt
by StopTheTears indid you ever stop to realize that we humans are nothing more than dirt?
we are composed of all the foods we eat and the beverages we drink.
everything that we consume comes from the ground, from crops grown in dirt.
I have horrible self -esteem and dn't know how to get rid of pride and be humble but with good self esteem. I often find this to be even worse discouragement. I don't put you down or criticize ...i guess just speak my thoughts.
And the Spirit and the Bride keep saying:
by AGuest inlet anyone hearing say: come!
and let anyone thirsting come.. let anyone that wishes... take lifes water... free.. john 4:10, 13, 14. .
may you all have peace!.
Shelby ...you have yet....another PM!