and particularly old/ancient languages (may you all have peace!).
Some often comment as to why I "speak" as I do when I post certain things. I received from my Lord why that is: according to him, in order for one to understand what certain words/passages meant... and/or what was meant BY them... what their speaker/author intended... one has to know something of the language... and the thinking behind the words. Trying to understand an ancient language... in modern terms... leaves a LOT to be speculated on. I may coin myself as an expert in Hebrew because I studied the language, true. However, am I not MORE of an expert if I actually AM a Hebrew, and spoke the language from birth? Is it not me who the experts would actually come to for clarification (as to meaning, pronunciation, usage)?
If I try to understand ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, Chaldean, Greek, even Latin (Roman) simply based on what modern scholars BELIEVE the words to mean... I am cheating myself out of a full education. If, however, I take what such modern scholars might say... and run that by one who literallly SPEAKS these languages... I am more apt to have a full(er) understanding.
Words used today often do NOT mean the same thing as they did, well, even 20 years ago. Heck, as fast as things are progressing, even 5 years ago. TWO years. How in the world then, do we assume that certain translations of ancient languages, made thousands of years after they were originally spoken/written... mean the same thing as they are translated to mean? We don't. We can't.
The ONLY way to know... is to ask someone who spoke the original language of the words themselves.
There is only One that I know of who fits that description: the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is the Holy Spirit and Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies. It is to him that I turn for clarification, for TRUTH (as to what was said/meant and/or not said/meant). Because he knows... more than I... or anyone else who claims to know... "expert" or otherwise. And it is he who tells me.
As I result, I have come to "think" in terms of those languages, so that what folks often see HERE... is a manifestation of that thought process. My words "sound" ancient/old... because they are derived from ancient/old thought processes.
It is like learning the law/going to law school - one is (supposedly) taught how to THINK... "like a lawyer." And so, as one's thought processes change... so does one's language. It may still be English (or whatever), but it ascribes to certain words, terms, phrases... and analysis... that isn't merely "English."
That is how it is here. I have been taught to THINK... as those who said and wrote some of the things contained in the Bible did. As they did THEN, not as we do today... or even in the last 1,000 years. And so my words often reflect that.
Again, I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,