no one eh? ....thanks anyway! =D
JoinedPosts by Voices
Questions to ask Jehovahs Witnesses..
by Voices ini use to have this list i found on the internet or...someone gave me or something, that i remember reading periodically... to ask jehovahs witnesses...i can't find it now.
it was very good...i remember one of the questions had to do with a comma with the phrase 'truely i say to you today you will be in paradise' ..... .
it was a lot of questions...dealing with the 144000...and 'worship' translation...does anyone still have this?
Well, I Guess There IS One Good Thing About the WTBTS...
by AGuest inif you're the kind of person who would rather convince yourself that someone isn't "deserving" of your help... which may include your money... even an amount as small as $3.00... the wtbts was the right group to be a part of.
because they have every excuse under the sun for not giving to the poor... not helping out someone in need... not even giving a hungry one a meal (because we know, don't we, that every one of them is an alcoholic and/or drug addict... and everyone knows... particularly the wtbts... that those folks... those sinners... don't deserve to eat at all...).
looks like some of have learned well from them.
I wonder tho..if you went out on the street tonight and told one person they had a beautiful heart...and another person they had a dark heart, what would happen.
you're correct the reaction would be different but we're not talking about reaction......we're talking about judgement vs observation. Not everyone understands the difference. And certainly people that THINK observation is JUDGEMENT...would definately act more aggressive than....others that might understand the difference and scrutinze themselves ...even if pissed off at first.
but thanks for the encouragement on doing well on others! ...i hope you do well to others as well! ..
seriously....gotta go! sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
Well, I Guess There IS One Good Thing About the WTBTS...
by AGuest inif you're the kind of person who would rather convince yourself that someone isn't "deserving" of your help... which may include your money... even an amount as small as $3.00... the wtbts was the right group to be a part of.
because they have every excuse under the sun for not giving to the poor... not helping out someone in need... not even giving a hungry one a meal (because we know, don't we, that every one of them is an alcoholic and/or drug addict... and everyone knows... particularly the wtbts... that those folks... those sinners... don't deserve to eat at all...).
looks like some of have learned well from them.
I'm going to bed...Maybe i'll get lucky and there'll be a jar of pickles next to my bed.
i love pickles... Next birthday present JAR OF PICLKES! ...i like vlassic XD....night
Well, I Guess There IS One Good Thing About the WTBTS...
by AGuest inif you're the kind of person who would rather convince yourself that someone isn't "deserving" of your help... which may include your money... even an amount as small as $3.00... the wtbts was the right group to be a part of.
because they have every excuse under the sun for not giving to the poor... not helping out someone in need... not even giving a hungry one a meal (because we know, don't we, that every one of them is an alcoholic and/or drug addict... and everyone knows... particularly the wtbts... that those folks... those sinners... don't deserve to eat at all...).
looks like some of have learned well from them.
I've known Aguest for ...8 (?) years ..I don't know her THAT well...but we've kown eachother. One thing I have learned is this:
Whenever you tell someone something 'ugly' 'dark heart' become judgement.....when you say 'wow you've got a beautiful heart' ....allof a sudden it becomes a 'compliment' .... could it be that neither is judging, but just an observation?
I don't know if she used that phrase 'dark heart' ...but i'm too tired to look it up...i'm sure you can ask her.
Well, I Guess There IS One Good Thing About the WTBTS...
by AGuest inif you're the kind of person who would rather convince yourself that someone isn't "deserving" of your help... which may include your money... even an amount as small as $3.00... the wtbts was the right group to be a part of.
because they have every excuse under the sun for not giving to the poor... not helping out someone in need... not even giving a hungry one a meal (because we know, don't we, that every one of them is an alcoholic and/or drug addict... and everyone knows... particularly the wtbts... that those folks... those sinners... don't deserve to eat at all...).
looks like some of have learned well from them.
When I said why criticize an act of love? I was referring to Judas criticizing Mary...and saying 'why criticize that?' because you were using that scripture in order to prove your point. I was pointing out what happened in that situation ...which was Mary was being criticized for doing something out of humbleness and servitude.
You said:
I was criticizing what I consider an act of stupidity. Anyone that just gives to someone because they're poor without looking into the mitigating circumstances is asking to be taken advantage of.
My response:
and how often does someone take the time in talking to homeless people and finding out their circumstances to see if they're 'worthy' of you/others generosity?
You said:
If you want a good example of how to give, look no further than the good samaritan. (Luke chapter 10)
Yep...and no where in there did the samaritan think 'i gotta consider whether he's been drinking..or is drugged up...' the samaritan came AFTER the others had passed him by. Does it say that he KNEW he was robbed? says that the man was robbed and beaten but does it say the SAMARITAN knew?...i mean here he comes along...not knowing anything that happened ...while he was off loading up his belongings or whatever.....walking on the path ...the guy was being beaten and when he got there...all he saw was the guy beaten and stripped....probably looked homeless.
but whats MORE imporant is this...notice verse 33. He didn't QUESTION the man..he didn't think to even judge him (is he a drug dealing person that got beat up?? or anything else that others may think) .....what does it say? "he felt compassion for him" Just like Christ feels compssion for US...who are heavy with lack of food (love, joy, peace, goodness, faith, mildness, self control, long suffering) and have been 'BEATEN up' by 'this system of things.' (no i'm not a jw anymore)
and what did Christ say in verse 37? "go and do the same"
You said: ...1 thess...." If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat. ”
If you have never spoken to these even determine if their 'worthy of your donation/money/food' do you even know they don't want to work? Ever see the signs that say 'WILL WORK FOR FOOD!' ......not money....not drugs.....not alcohol......FOOD. Don't be so quick to put every homeless man into a catagory of 'unworthiness' especially when you don't know their story...handicap..disability...reason for not working.....please read my other posts earlier on how HARD it is to get a JOB being 'homeless.'
Lets be reasonable? ok lets be reasonable... have you spoken to homeless people about why they don't have a job? or why their homeless? Does anyone that never do this have any say others that choose to give regardless of acceptance or rejection... is acting in 'stupidity?'
Bible might say this....people might say THAT...but in the end....LOVE...even for those that 'don't want to work' is important .....cause i admit.....there's some things i DON'T want to do...(like nursing homework stuff, or spiritual matters) but i wish that sometimes someone would help i can eventually develope the desire/habit.
although i have been 'homeless' (without a home on this planet for a short time) we are ALL homeless (spiritual realm) ....lacking food (fruitage of the spirit)....that don't want to work (put forth the effort) from time to time (whenever it gets too difficult) ....but would sure love it if someone helped/got us through it (with assistance from an outside source) so we can eventually stand together (with those that are in a 'better place') But that's not why i do I said earlier...i had a dream to feed the children...and I try to.
Funny....i never thought of it that way.....until just now.
put yourself in the homeless persons shoes
Well, I Guess There IS One Good Thing About the WTBTS...
by AGuest inif you're the kind of person who would rather convince yourself that someone isn't "deserving" of your help... which may include your money... even an amount as small as $3.00... the wtbts was the right group to be a part of.
because they have every excuse under the sun for not giving to the poor... not helping out someone in need... not even giving a hungry one a meal (because we know, don't we, that every one of them is an alcoholic and/or drug addict... and everyone knows... particularly the wtbts... that those folks... those sinners... don't deserve to eat at all...).
looks like some of have learned well from them.
oh! ......your right. Okay....either way....the act was a servitude..and humble...i many of us wash or annoint people sfeet? so why criticize an act of love? love conquers ALL
Well, I Guess There IS One Good Thing About the WTBTS...
by AGuest inif you're the kind of person who would rather convince yourself that someone isn't "deserving" of your help... which may include your money... even an amount as small as $3.00... the wtbts was the right group to be a part of.
because they have every excuse under the sun for not giving to the poor... not helping out someone in need... not even giving a hungry one a meal (because we know, don't we, that every one of them is an alcoholic and/or drug addict... and everyone knows... particularly the wtbts... that those folks... those sinners... don't deserve to eat at all...).
looks like some of have learned well from them.
Stone wall:
I see what you're saying. Please read my previous comment about 'if it's in your ability to do so, do so...but if you can't do that right now give what you can' (not exact words).....i even was using your philisophy of 'teaching them how to 'fish' '... etc..
As far as the Scripture is concerned.. lets read it together shall we?
"..Martha was serving, and Lazarus was among those present at the table
(Lazarus who had JUST been brought back from the dead)
When you SERVE're doing an act of humbless. What did Judas do? he criticized the act. Martha did something out of LOVE (love conquers all...against these there is no law, such as if it's 'morally right' or 'morally wrong' to give food to the homeless...etc..) to the Master...she 'ANNOINTED' his feet. She was 'SERVING' him. Judas criticized her for it! ...therefore HINDERING an act of servitude and love. it's no WONDER Christ said what he said. Also, if Martha didn't think of sending that money and using it for the homeless BUT she did think of an act of servitude and love....why stop it? Apparntly judast thought he knew better? pride maybe?
it didn't have anything to do with 'Don't feed the homeless '...or find out first if they're really having a hard time.. or gonna spend it on booze. ... it had to do with preventing a 'good deed' ...out of a 'good motive' ...from being shunned.
and that he wasn't always going to be around
if your so worried about the booze my first-second post on this thread...
Well, I Guess There IS One Good Thing About the WTBTS...
by AGuest inif you're the kind of person who would rather convince yourself that someone isn't "deserving" of your help... which may include your money... even an amount as small as $3.00... the wtbts was the right group to be a part of.
because they have every excuse under the sun for not giving to the poor... not helping out someone in need... not even giving a hungry one a meal (because we know, don't we, that every one of them is an alcoholic and/or drug addict... and everyone knows... particularly the wtbts... that those folks... those sinners... don't deserve to eat at all...).
looks like some of have learned well from them.
Well, I Guess There IS One Good Thing About the WTBTS...
by AGuest inif you're the kind of person who would rather convince yourself that someone isn't "deserving" of your help... which may include your money... even an amount as small as $3.00... the wtbts was the right group to be a part of.
because they have every excuse under the sun for not giving to the poor... not helping out someone in need... not even giving a hungry one a meal (because we know, don't we, that every one of them is an alcoholic and/or drug addict... and everyone knows... particularly the wtbts... that those folks... those sinners... don't deserve to eat at all...).
looks like some of have learned well from them.
now wait a min.. not only do you NOT know the reasons for My...shelbys...or Mr. X (whoever it was that went to mcdonalds in the other post) ...
wait.....actually you do know my reason...that is....bsaically to make sure they get food regardless of what others think ...whether they think i'm being a 'good samaritan ' or 'self righteous sanctimonous action' ..etc.. and THAT is the entire point.
When you focus or say things like 'oh people are just doing it for self righteous reasons' ...there are people on this board...who MAY begin to think that, THAT act, giving food to the hungry/homeless ...which you agree is a good thing... and make a strong correlation that if THEY DID it...they might be doing it out of a 'bad motive' ... because the focus has been on the NEGATIVE here... Where as what i'm trying to say...good motive or not....give food to those tht are hungry...don't worry about your OWN motive....if you RECOGNIZE (have light on yourself) that your doing it out of a BAD motive...that's where you have to fight yourself and 'change your thinking' ......AND GOD KNOWS I KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO CHANGE YOUR THINKING (not yelling...just emphasizing) ...BUT whether my thinking is 'straight' or 'not' ....that person (homeless/hungry) fed. And that changes teh WORLD that day for them.
I agree it shouldn't be done with self righteousness in mind...but even if it's self righteousness...DO IT! .. and in the process.....CHANGE your thinking. but STILL do it!
Well, I Guess There IS One Good Thing About the WTBTS...
by AGuest inif you're the kind of person who would rather convince yourself that someone isn't "deserving" of your help... which may include your money... even an amount as small as $3.00... the wtbts was the right group to be a part of.
because they have every excuse under the sun for not giving to the poor... not helping out someone in need... not even giving a hungry one a meal (because we know, don't we, that every one of them is an alcoholic and/or drug addict... and everyone knows... particularly the wtbts... that those folks... those sinners... don't deserve to eat at all...).
looks like some of have learned well from them.
uh...Michelle... lol what?! where'd that come from! LOL
Shelby: agreed. I'm suprzied about your 'ookkayy??' ...i'm presuming that's about my last comment...
I'm still trying shelby. (u know what i mean) SS
I figured my talking probably got on everyone's nerves...