I try to do my best in 'giving' to the homeless. i mean seriously...the Master was 'homeless' for 3 and half years, at least. I doubt there were 'hotels' and 'motels' that he slept in each night with his 20 billion dollar denarri! I mean seriously, I remember giving money to the homeless and people get offended over that. 'WELL THEY'RE JUST GOING TO SPEND IT ON BOOZE OR DRUGS. I WONT SUPPORT THAT'...
And my reply to that is: ok...if you really care about not 'killing anothe rperson through drugs and alcohol' ...go to Jack in the Box..get two chicken sandwiches for $0.99 and give them the food. You're money is going where it should be (towards food) and you're making SURE that you have given them FOOD and not 'booze and drugs.' I mean 2 chicken sandwiches...is a whole days meal to the homeless sometimes. Sometimes they barely get to even GO into stores and BUY something cause people reject them!
It's ridiculous and extremely unreasonable. Fact is...most people that usually get upset over situations pertaining to the homeless have:
1) never been homeless themselves
2)never had people look at them like a piece of shit cause they're homeless
3)don't really know what 'hunger' really is
4)are just genuinely not caring individuals and attempt to use 'alcohol and drug' as a way NOT to give money but in reality, they just don't care or want to care
But I will say what pisses me off about the homeless!... ok So I get off the freeway and i see the homeless man with 'hungry please help' ... I drive off into the distance and find the nearest fast food joint... i wait in line for 15 mins through the drive through, get the food , pay for it, and drive through traffic and have to go a mile or two in the opposite direction in which i came off the freeway...so i can exit the same ramp...only to find out that the homeless person has MOVED to the OTHER side of the OTHER exit! ....so i gotta get back on the freeway...drive another 2 miles down in the same direction...get off...wait at the light...make a left...wait at the freeway enterance light...get back on the freeway...drive another 2 miles down...and exist and finally get to give him/her the food, if She/he hasn't disappeared or left again!
Now I try to bypass it by rolling up to him and saying 'dude, don't go no where, i'm gonna go get you some food, i'll be back in 20 mins' ...which seemed effective! thank god I mean i guess it's a small price to pay...gas and time to have someone get food in their stomach...but it's kinda fruistrating at the same time...i spent like 30 mins one time, trying to get a hold of one person lol eh...it was worth it i guess. Anyway.
Someone once told me something and said 'what if it was an angel...manifested as a homeless person...who was smoking a cigrette...would you still refuse to give him food because of the fact that he's smoking? he doesn't deserve to eat just cause he's smoking? or drunk? or whatever? '
If Christ periodically came and disguised himself as a homeless perosn...and all these jehovah's witnesses went right by, and ignored him, ...i mean seriously...what IF Christ was indeed disguised as a homeless person...and everyone just thought 'i don't want to give him any money cause he's probably just going to spend it on BOOZE AND ALCOHOL'
*sad face*