Whatever... I don't care what you think I am not after anyone... Don't listen... I can't even pray for any of you yea yer Christian... I am done with all of your unkind remarks and callin me a liar... You don't know me. Why would the Watchtower come out with that? Why would they talk against them selves... Maybe you heard this story before cuz it is true NO I DID NOT POST THIS AS SOMEONE ELSE! I LIVED and am LIVING it!
JoinedPosts by Barbra
Do you not know?
by Barbra indo you not know that they teach wrong doctrine?.
i hope you do i pray you do!
it's brainwash on so many lvls.
Do you not know?
by Barbra indo you not know that they teach wrong doctrine?.
i hope you do i pray you do!
it's brainwash on so many lvls.
Sorry. I DID read about the forum. I just get excited sometimes. As I am sure you all know it is hard to transition from JW to Christian. I wasn't trying to shove anything down anyone's throat. I am not recruiting either. You believe what you want. I don't like being made fun of. I have disabilities and get enough of that from ppl I run into in person. Some of the comments were just plain mean and could have been worded in a more compassionate way, without cursing.
I know a side of being a JW that alot of you may not even realize exists. They are on some lvls VERY Satanic. I have been to The world headquarters in Brooklyn New York, Watch Tower Farms and I can't think of the name it starts with a 'P'. But what ppl don't realize is that they also do human and animal sacrifices. Now, I know what yer thinking...(or at least I think I do) 'No way she is talking about some other religious group!' I am not. My Biological Father to this Day is in good standing with the witnesses and is an Elder. He also claims to be of The Annointed.
Just saying I have been thru alot as a JW and am now free and it is exciting and I want to tell EVERYONE to stay away from them.
Do you not know?
by Barbra indo you not know that they teach wrong doctrine?.
i hope you do i pray you do!
it's brainwash on so many lvls.
Sorry I offended so many by the color and style of writing. I just liked that font and that is my favorite color. Didn't realize it was going to cause such a ruckous!
I DID read about the forum before I started writing sorry I am not as BRITE as some of you!! Pretty petty how you can give people a hard time over spelling and that! I was just sharing how I felt about what I went thru.... no worries I won't bother any of you again. Sorry I thought this was an adult disscussion area. Didn't know there were so many childish people on here or I would not have wasted my time. Outlaw seems as though you could use a new tounge! The one you have is filthy!
I am glad that most here are ex witnesses. No I wasn't looking for Watchtower.org!
I pray blessings on all of you.... I will not bother you again!
Thank you to those of you that had kind words for me I will not forget you and you will be in my prayers...
Do you not know?
by Barbra indo you not know that they teach wrong doctrine?.
i hope you do i pray you do!
it's brainwash on so many lvls.
Do you not know that they teach wrong doctrine?
I hope you do I PRAY you do! I was involved with the JW's since I was 3 yrs old. It took me over 20 yrs to realize that what they teach is wrong. It's brainwash on so many lvls. JEHOVAH is a correct name... yes Jehovah became Jesus in the flesh! Col. 2:8,9 : (NWT)Look out perhaps there maybe someone who will carry you off as his prey through the Philosophy and empty deceptionaccording to the tradition of men, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ; (9) because it is in HIM(Christ) that all the fullness of the divine quality dwells bodily. Jesus is Jehovah made Flesh!
I can get more scriptures to back it up if I need too! JW's don't teach that you need to recieve the Holy Spirit but that is apart of Salvation! Acts 2:38; (NWT) Peter said to them: "Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus (not the Father son and holy spirit these are merely titles not his name!) for forgiveness of your sins, and you shall recieve the Holy Spirit!" But I have never heard them teach the fullness of that scripture! You need the filling of the holy spirit! How do you know you have that?? Acts 10:44-48 ; (NWT) While Peter was yet speaking about these matters the holy spirit fell upon all those hearing the word. And the faithful ones that had come with Peterwho were of those circumsisied were amazed, because the frre gift of the holy spirit was being poured out also upon people of the nations.For they had heard them speaking with new tounges and magnifing God. See it says the were speaking with new TOUNGES!!!! That's how you know if you have the Holy Spirit you will speak with NEW TOUNGES! This is the evidence of the Spirit.
Be warned friends that you do not get caught up in the broad and spacious road because that road leads to destruction! Hell is real! Don't put your faith in Men! Search the bible for yourselves! Like a buried tresure! The 144,000 are the Jews and none of them are alive! Your not going to live forever on this earth! Think about it PRAY about it! Ask God for wisdom and to open your eyes up!
Jesus I pray that all that read this will have an open heart and mind. That they will hear YOUR voice and have the viel lifted, so that they can come to know you and be in your grace. Jesus lift them up and touch them in the only way YOU can. IN JESUS NAME Amen!
Forget 2012... The world will end May 21, 2011
by Elsewhere inhttp://articles.sfgate.com/2010-01-01/bay-area/17466332_1_east-bay-bay-area-first-time-camping.
biblical scholar's date for rapture: may 21, 2011theologyjanuary 01, 2010|by justin berton, chronicle staff writerformer civil engineer harold camping of oakland, who runs family radio, has studied the bible for almost 70 years.credit: lance iversen / the chronicleharold camping lets out a hearty chuckle when he considers the people who believe the world will end in 2012.. "that date has not one stitch of biblical authority," camping says from the oakland office where he runs family radio, an evangelical station that reaches listeners around the world.
"it's like a fairy tale.".
Are you serious! The Witnesses have been proclaiming the end time for years! Look it up in the bound volumes! They prophesied that the world was gonna end in 1975 and a few other years! Read your Bible 1 Thessolonians 5:2 For you yourselves know that the Lord comes as a thief in the night! 2Pet 3:10 But the Day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with ferverent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein will be burned up aso. We aren't gonna know the Day or the hour or year or season! It's gonna come just like a theif in the night be on guard!