I've just come across this thread and had to read pretty much all of it. So many tragic experiences - sorry to all those who have suffered or are suffering (even if like Mr Flipper you weren't the victim).
Firstly domestic violence victims go through some powerful thought processes and feelings - typically self blame is a part of the cycle. On average in the UK (and I'm sure this doesn't differ significantly from other western countries) it takes 35 assaults before the victim comes forward to the police. Often they then return to the abusive partner due to control the abuser still tries to exert - this may be financial as the victim doesn't have money to live elsewhere or there are threats relating to children.
To be part of a controlling religious organisation that seeks to self remedy (or in reality contain the issue) that reinforces the belief that the victim is to blame is blatently damaging. Also a religion that does not support the victims (particularly where the abuser is a JW) clearly demonstrates it not only sympathyses with the abusers but creates conditions under which this thrives.
As I've been led to believe the WBTS often writes articles in response to letters about situations that are occuring in the congregations. This must crop up frequently and the governing body is telling it's female members to put up with domestic violence, not report it and hope it goes away.
About a third of all murders in the UK relate to domestic violence and each murder costs over £1.5m to investigate. It is a widespread problem and complex to deal with even though the police have, as Joe Grundy mentions, been treating this as a high priority for a long time. I recently spoke to the domestic violence advisor to the UK home secretary and she admitted the scale of the issue is significant - perhaps 16-20% or all crime.
I would urge any women, whether a JW or not, who has been abused by their husband or partner to contact the police. Don't stop to justify that you still love your partner (or they love and need you), or that you might be to blame, or that you think they won't do this again. In virtually all cases they will do this again and again and it may get worse. Especially where children are involved. The police will help you. Your life will get better. But you need to act now.