Lol!!!!! Who needs med school when you have the Awake!
This has become an unexpectedly funny topic!
hello my name is kerri and i was reinstated back into the truth last year after drifting away when i was younger.. im 28 and live in the nottinghamshire area and am looking forward to making new friends all over the world.. hope to hear from some of you soon.
Lol!!!!! Who needs med school when you have the Awake!
This has become an unexpectedly funny topic!
my favourite was a humpty dumpty full of mm's....but we could only buy them after easter and if we broke them mothers orders.....tonnes of half price eggs after easter..
Haha! Yes! I forgot all about that! It was such a warm, fuzzy feeling to pick out my 50% off chocolate Easter egg. I would pretend I was allowed to celebrate Easter. My God . . . . I missed out on too much as a kid.
I'm surprised that no one mentioned the purple triangles in the Holocaust scenes from Shutter Island.
hello my name is kerri and i was reinstated back into the truth last year after drifting away when i was younger.. im 28 and live in the nottinghamshire area and am looking forward to making new friends all over the world.. hope to hear from some of you soon.
Butterfly girl is about as much as a doctor as Dr. Pepper, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Dre, Dr. Cosby, and Dr. Teeth from The Muppet Show.
i've seen this happen no less than 5 times.
a lonely person, always a man is contacted, starts a bible study and starts attending meetings just to get a wife.
none of them stayed once they realised the sisters where stuck up weridos.. am i alone in having seen this?
Ohhhhhhh YES! These were men who I'm sure would be turned down by toothless hooker, washed-up bar skanks . . . . with crabs. These losers would be in heaven leaning against the literature counter at the Kingdumb Hell looking all of the pretty young virgin Jdubs and think they had a chance in hell. If none of these young virgin Jdubs were mentally unstable (by Jdub standards) these pervs would start looking at the "over 20 crowd" then the "over 30 crowd". Eventually they would find some desperate single pioneer "sister" who was probably so depressed, nothing mattered anymore. I think people in the congregations looked so forward to the good laugh at the circus wedding, that they did very little to talk the "sister" into her senses. Very sad . . . .
the society would sell the land and claim insurance.
no need to fire 1,000 bethelites so they could move to watchtower farms.
they would claim we are "near the end of the system" and satan is attacking god's people.
Hahahaha! I love your comment Flipper!!
I was a flight attendant during this time, and my eyes had the unfortunate experience of having to look at that building often while desending into LaGuardia. Even with the ugly "wAtChToWeR" sign pitched on the top, it wouldn't have been an easy target. Worse than hitting the building would be justmissing the building. Could you imagine all the faders and disfellowshiped people running back? It would give the society way too much "power".
Agree with Zid about the move to the secluded location. It reminds me of Jonestown! This would be a great opportunity for the smart Bethelites to run for their lives . . . .,0,6854922.story?page=1.
Why do they feel the need to rent the town hall?!! Is there a reason they cannot use their Kingdumb Hell?
i know this doesn't apply to all countries.. however, is it a 'requirement'?.
is it enforced?.
is it optional?.
What kind of cards are these? The monthly hour cards or the cards where elders write crap about you?
i had posted this as part of another thread, but thought it might make a good separate thread.
here's a jc fubar decision that i experienced.. i dealt with a brother who threatened to kill his family, my family, and then himself.
this guys' secret sins were becoming manifest and as an elder some things came to my attention, including wife abuse and according to her, allegations of possible misconduct with the young daughter.
Oh my . . . Just wondering what did the elders and CO do, and how did the crazy guy have dirt on them? What a corrupt religion!
lately, i've come to find out that a more than a few people in the area had killed themselves.
most of the people i know of were in their early twenties or forties.
for those loved ones surviving them, it was mostly a shock!
This is such a sad (but necessary) topic. I'm so sorry everyone for your losses. I grew up with a large family in my congregation who's father was an abusive prick. Owned a roofing business and did pretty well. (Of course all of his JW employees made minimum wage or slightly above.) He also thought he was part of the 144,000. The oldest son left when he turned 18 I believe, and the other kids were not allowed to have contact with him. The middle and youngest son both left together. I remember hearing about the mother sneaking in visits, food and money to her sons. The father always monitored every penny she spent. The middle son was going through some depression due to trying to start his life over. Ended up committing suicide through drug overdose. I often wonder how different our lives would have been (and be now!!) without the cult past. Very sad!!