The Society would sell the land and claim insurance. No need to fire 1,000 bethelites so they could move to Watchtower farms. They would claim we are "near the end of the system" and Satan is attacking God's people. Jehovah "allowed" this to happen due to "time and unforseen occurance."
9/11....what if a plane hit the Watchtower building instead!!!!
by Witness 007 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was about to say, "Ah, but we can only dream..."
But then I realized that an attack on the headquarters would STRENGTHEN their position... As you stated, "Satan is attacking God's people"... Wonder if the contributions would have increased??? Wonder if it would have generated world-wide sympathy for the WTBTS???
Hmmm... After thinking this over, I wonder that the Gov.Bod hasn't 'allowed' some pseudo-attack on the headquarters already - oh, wait... They don't have to. All they have to do is rely on their 'mind control' to increase the paranoia...
Personally, I'm worried about this move to WallKill. Talk about taking the headquarters to an area that's more isolated, with less public scrutiny...
I have this picture in my head of a large house falling from the sky and landing on the GB.
Who would appoint the new GB? Of course, who appointed the original GB 40 years ago?
Do you think the JW's might just get the message that someone is trying to tell them something?
Had very much the same thoughts
Yes, FinallySomePride... The thought of their bizarre behavior as it exists up to today, then the potential for even greater craziness once they're out of New York City - errr, Brooklyn... Well, it ought to be interesting...
One thing's for sure - I wouldn't want to be a Bethelite within the near future for ANY amount of money! Ironic, considering that they aren't being PAID any money...
I think if that happened I would get on my knees facing East and praise Allah I swear it. I'd become Muslim immediately ! LOL ! ( Sorry I have a dark sense of humor. ) Couldn't resist
Just under 6 billion people would probably say to themselves, that's the last time I'll have to argue with those idiots at my door on Saturday morning.
Hahahaha! I love your comment Flipper!!
I was a flight attendant during this time, and my eyes had the unfortunate experience of having to look at that building often while desending into LaGuardia. Even with the ugly "wAtChToWeR" sign pitched on the top, it wouldn't have been an easy target. Worse than hitting the building would be justmissing the building. Could you imagine all the faders and disfellowshiped people running back? It would give the society way too much "power".
Agree with Zid about the move to the secluded location. It reminds me of Jonestown! This would be a great opportunity for the smart Bethelites to run for their lives . . . .
9/11....what if a plane hit your head instead!!!!
Or 1945....what if Nazi Germany had succeeded in producing Da Bomb!!!!
In other words - Welcome to the unending World Of What-If's ........