I never said it was the solution, and neither did Minimus although our other threads were talking about it. I knew this would be a topic people were passionate about and would have some compelling thoughts on for both sides. I'm personally against it for all but the most hopeless cases of suffering as Lady Lee said on her post on my thread. I completely respect your feelings on the matter, thanks for sharing them with me and all of us.
JoinedPosts by dandingus
Do You Personally Know Of Anyone That Committed Suicide?
by minimus inlately, i've come to find out that a more than a few people in the area had killed themselves.
most of the people i know of were in their early twenties or forties.
for those loved ones surviving them, it was mostly a shock!
Wow, Think About It. That's one messed up situation. Can't really imagine what THAT was like.
Do You Personally Know Of Anyone That Committed Suicide?
by minimus inlately, i've come to find out that a more than a few people in the area had killed themselves.
most of the people i know of were in their early twenties or forties.
for those loved ones surviving them, it was mostly a shock!
I strugle every day to just live one more day to be honest. I have lost so much.
Recovering, I have days like this too. Usually it comes in cycles and I just tell myself no matter how down I get "this too shall pass". Sometimes it takes a while, but it always seems to brighten up. Even if it's just for a little while.
I try not to dwell on suicidal thoughts due to the pain it caused his family
This is an enlightened statement. Honestly, my family has been a huge help to me and they were also a major factor in my decision to stick around. I'm past that now, and have been for some time, but it certainly helped to have at least some loving family members that I would never have wanted to cause pain in any way.
But even without family that supports you, there's a lot in life we can do and see that has nothing to do with any religion. Focusing on a goal, something you want to experience, a place you'd like to go, a hobby that takes your mind off things, all of these are worthwhile and extremelly helpful.
Thanks for sharing...
Do you feel that suicide is wrong?
by dandingus inminimus got me thinking with his thread about whether or not you know anyone that committed suicide.
i think it might be interesting to see what the opinions are.. what do you think?.
are there cases where it is understandable?
Purps, thanks for the personal experience! It is sad the things people go through that we never know about, or that if we do sometimes we can help and sometimes we can't. You said:
We had many talks after that, I was emotionally drained after our visits.
I think that's true of helping anyone with some serious emotional problem in their life. It takes a lot out of you to try to empathize with them like that and help them cope with their troubles. And as you say, sometimes in doing so we take their pain upon ourselves. It takes a truly unselfish frame of mind to give everything we can to someone like that. I'm very glad you were able to help your friend.
Do you feel that suicide is wrong?
by dandingus inminimus got me thinking with his thread about whether or not you know anyone that committed suicide.
i think it might be interesting to see what the opinions are.. what do you think?.
are there cases where it is understandable?
Just for the record (since I brought the topic up), Lady Lee, my thoughts are aligned with yours.
Do You Personally Know Of Anyone That Committed Suicide?
by minimus inlately, i've come to find out that a more than a few people in the area had killed themselves.
most of the people i know of were in their early twenties or forties.
for those loved ones surviving them, it was mostly a shock!
Could it be that if a person considered suicide that they would be more prone to doing it?
I imagine that would be true, min. It's a pretty drastic step to take for someone who never even thought about it before. Or maybe it's always a "snap" decision? A spur of the moment, temporary insanity, kind of thing that's always an emotional decision that the application of intellect would immediately repel?
Do you feel that suicide is wrong?
by dandingus inminimus got me thinking with his thread about whether or not you know anyone that committed suicide.
i think it might be interesting to see what the opinions are.. what do you think?.
are there cases where it is understandable?
I think it should be punishable by death.
Nice keyser soze. Oh, the irony.
Do you feel that suicide is wrong?
by dandingus inminimus got me thinking with his thread about whether or not you know anyone that committed suicide.
i think it might be interesting to see what the opinions are.. what do you think?.
are there cases where it is understandable?
Snowbird & The Silence - you're absolutely right that stating that something is "wrong" is passing judgement on it. But our own personal opinions and dare I say, judgements, is what the thread was about. I don't think there is anyone who would say that it's not "unfortunate".
It's just that I've had this discussion with some family members as an intellectual exercise as well as a moral and philosophical discussion and I wanted to hear what the members here have to say on the matter. Opinions welcome.
Do you feel that suicide is wrong?
by dandingus inminimus got me thinking with his thread about whether or not you know anyone that committed suicide.
i think it might be interesting to see what the opinions are.. what do you think?.
are there cases where it is understandable?
Minimus got me thinking with his thread about whether or not you know anyone that committed suicide. I think it might be interesting to see what the opinions are.
What do you think?
Are there cases where it is understandable? Or are you categorically against it?
(I hope I don't start any arguments by posting this, but an open, informed discussion would be welcome.)
Do You Personally Know Of Anyone That Committed Suicide?
by minimus inlately, i've come to find out that a more than a few people in the area had killed themselves.
most of the people i know of were in their early twenties or forties.
for those loved ones surviving them, it was mostly a shock!
2 people in my graduating class from High School committed suicide. No JWs in my old circuit that I know of have done so, but the operative term here is "that I know of".
An interesting corollary to this topic would be "have YOU ever thought of suicide?". The answer in my case is "yes", although I have dismissed the idea for the present and the foreseeable future. I'm sure a lot of people leaving the witnesses have at least thought about it. It's a morbid topic, but an important one to discuss. The organization so consumed our lives for so long that upon leaving that it may seem like we have nothing left. The trick is to find new things to replace what we gave up, and sometimes to rediscover things about ourselves we never knew we lost in the first place.