How do I know that one of the Governing Body members doesn't have some past religious beliefs or even a mental or emotional imbalance that has caused them to assume mistakenly that they have the heavenly calling?
as part of my objective analysis of four month's worth of watchtower study editions from july to october 2011, i found the following gem from a question from readers, on page 22 of the august 15 magazine.
the question under discussion was "how are we to understand the figures in the annual service report?
", and it goes on to provide an idiot's guide to what the figures mean, including the following.... "memorial partakers.
How do I know that one of the Governing Body members doesn't have some past religious beliefs or even a mental or emotional imbalance that has caused them to assume mistakenly that they have the heavenly calling?
there's a lot of them!.
one rule is you can't wear a tee shirt with writing on it if you are working at a quick build kh .
nothing with logos.. let's add more stupid rules that were in your hall or that the organization has.. .
George, That is a good one. I don't think I had ever disected it that way.
i know this post will bring out all those who love to criticise and rebut.
the following information is timely and very plausible.
in view of recent posts and special announcements to be taking place in the organization i found the following to have credibility.
C'mon man. What do you gain from this sensationalist claptrap? Seriously, you make us Apostates look
questions from jwn readers.
1914 is a date that many people question.
this is equal to 3.5 lunar years of 360 days.
Questions from JWN Readers
1914 is a date that many people question. There are seeming inconsistencies in its explanation and interpretation. What is an easy way to understand this important piece of Bible Chronology?
At Luke 21:24 , Jesus said: “Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations, until the appointed times of the nations [“the times of the Gentiles,” King James Version ] are fulfilled.”
When was the appointed times of the nations fulfilled? Let’s calculate this date together using a very simple method.
(Step 1)
First we need to go to the Book of Daniel written some 650 years before Christ uttered that prophecy in Luke 21:24. The account in Daniel 4 holds the key to knowing how long that period would last. It relates a dream experienced by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. He saw an immense tree that was chopped down. Its stump could not grow because it was banded with iron and copper. An angel declared: “Let seven times pass over it.”— Daniel 4:10-16 .
It is obvious that the tree in the Babylonian King’s dream really represented God’s rulership through the line of King David. Trees in dreams can mean many things, but we are convinced that the meaning of this particular banded tree represents the Kingship of Isreal. How long was this seven times?
(Step 2)
Now let’s travel forward in time from the dream seen by Nebuchadnezzar some 700 years to the Book of Revelation to another dream seen by the apostle John……
Revelation 12:6 , seems to indicate that three and a half times are equal to “a thousand two hundred and sixty days.” This is equal to 3.5 Lunar years of 360 days. Lunar years were commonly used in Bible times. “Seven times” would therefore last twice as long, or 2,520 days.
Vs. 14 of Revelation describes “a time, and times, and half a time” It is crystal clear to anyone who is a serious student of the Bible that John meant “a lunar year, and lunar years, and half a lunar year.”
(Step 3)
Now let’s travel back in our Bibles some 1500 years to the Book of Numbers. On the basis of Numbers 14:34 which speaks of “a day for a year,” the “seven times” mentioned in Daniel 4 would obviously cover 2,520 solar years of 365.25 days each. (Note that Numbers 14 must be talking about a lunar day for each solar year.)
The 2,520 solar years began in October 607 B.C.E., when Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians and the Davidic king was taken off his throne. The period ended in October 1914. At that time, “the appointed times of the nations” ended, and Jesus Christ was installed invisibly as God’s heavenly King. (Note: we know that 607 is the year Jerusalem was destroyed because of counting backwards 70 years from the secularly verifiable date of Babylon’s Destruction in 537 BCE. This is confirmed by secular historians and archaeologists)
We hope that this lesson on bible chronology has strengthened your faith in the Faithful and Discreet Slave. Is it not thrilling to note that you are living in the historic time of Christ’s presence? Abundant evidence overwhelms us that Christ was enthroned in 1914. Since that pivotal date in mankind’s history the world has seen death and destruction on an unprecedented scale. This deterioration of world events confirms that Christ is now King over all mankind. We are now 100 years into the Christ’s foretold millennial reign.
It should be noted there are some enemies of God’s Kingdom such as historians, archeologists and astronomers who will point to factual evidence that Jerusalem was destroyed in 587. As true Christians we will allow the 2600 year old bible record to clearly speak the truth about the date of Jerusalem’s destruction. We are confident of this fact from our spirit directed interpretation of two dreams, and three verses from three otherwise unrelated books of the bible, that Jesus has arrived as King.
Are we not truly grateful to have this clear understanding of Bible Chronology provided by the Governing Body? Let each one of us use this instruction wisely in our ministry and help all to realize that Christ now rules as King!
what if the gb somehow finally did admit they were wrong about 607 and 1914- what percentage of publishers do you think would remain active?.
This years convention highlighted 1914 in several talks. They are going to hold on to it. To answer your question I think 20% would leave.
that 99.9% of the worlds population is evil and will soon be destroyed by jehovah.
the governing body made up of 7 senior men in brooklyn new york are the divinely appointed spokesmen for god on earth today.. if you dont obey the governing bodys instructions and doctrines, you will die a violent death at armageddon.. that jesus is the mediator between god and man for only 11,000 people on earth today and some 133,000 others already in heaven.
the rest of mankind has to follow those 11,000 represented by the governing body to receive the benefits of the ransom.. christ invisibly returned to rule the earth in 1914 and satan was thrown to the earth at the same time.
Great additions Sir82
that 99.9% of the worlds population is evil and will soon be destroyed by jehovah.
the governing body made up of 7 senior men in brooklyn new york are the divinely appointed spokesmen for god on earth today.. if you dont obey the governing bodys instructions and doctrines, you will die a violent death at armageddon.. that jesus is the mediator between god and man for only 11,000 people on earth today and some 133,000 others already in heaven.
the rest of mankind has to follow those 11,000 represented by the governing body to receive the benefits of the ransom.. christ invisibly returned to rule the earth in 1914 and satan was thrown to the earth at the same time.
That 99.9% of the world’s population is evil and will soon be destroyed by Jehovah
The Governing Body made up of 7 senior men in Brooklyn New York are the divinely appointed spokesmen for God on earth today.
If you don’t obey the Governing Body’s instructions and doctrines, you will die a violent death at Armageddon.
That Jesus is the mediator between God and Man for only 11,000 people on earth today and some 133,000 others already in heaven. The rest of mankind has to follow those 11,000 represented by the Governing Body to receive the benefits of the ransom.
Christ “invisibly” returned to rule the earth in 1914 and Satan was thrown to the earth at the same time. The proof of this invisible presence is that world conditions are deteriorating quickly.
If you want a chance of surviving Armageddon you must listen carefully and appreciatively as the 8 year old girl calling at your door on Saturday morning presents you with a magazine article on Cahokia Mounds. She is sent by Jehovah to reclaim you. Pay attention and live!
Everyone who is not a strong active Jehovah’s Witness is bad association and should be avoided this includes family who are not believers.
That to show respect for human life, God has forbidden the use of blood to save a persons life. However, God is fine with the use of blood fractions that add up to 99% of blood.
The prophet Elijah foreshadowed the work accomplished by JF Rutherford’s administration
The prophet Elisha foreshadowed the work accomplished by NH Knorr’s administration
The seven trumpet blasts in the book of Revelations were fulfilled by a series of 7 conventions of Bible Students in the 1920’s
That the vision of a statue recorded by Daniel some 2600 years ago, points to our time period specifically as the time of the end.
All Dinosaurs including T-Rex were vegetarians.
The Global Flood in Noah’s time is a fact despite scientific evidence otherwise
It is a waste of time and money to gain a higher education.
God would rather have us deliver religous magazines to starving, homeless, sick people, than to spend the same money, time, and effort in helping the sick, hungry, and homeless.
The only way to make God happy is to volunteer as much time and money as you can spare to contribute to the Watchtower Corporations efforts.
apparently it's now ok for known child abusers to be recommended as elders as long as the "sin" was years in the past: .
"for example, the sin may involve past child abuse, and this would likely disqualify him for years.
" - shepherd the flock of god, p. 38 (2010).
What is interesting is the questions asked of men who are newly appointed as elders in comparison with men who are reappointed. It amounts to a don't ask don't tell policy.
I am paraphrasing:
Question to ask a man reccomended as an elder if he has never served before.
Have you ever been involved in child sexual abuse in your past? Is there anything that would disqualify you from accepting this assignment?
If you are being reappointed as an elder the instruction from the branch is not to ask those two questions. I wonder why?
open letter to the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.. source :
dear brothers,.
i served for 27 years as an elder in the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses.
No that is not my site but I did write the letter this last Winter and posted it here on JWN. It has been sent to Brooklyn several times since. The letter has been used in an email campaign and has been published on several websites. I am happy to see it making the rounds.
I wanted to clearly express the reasons for resigning as an elder in an open forum. I hope that it resonated with others in the same position.
open letter to the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.. source :
dear brothers,.
i served for 27 years as an elder in the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses.
Funny Stuff.
I want to note that I only served as an Elder for 7 years in contrast with the 27 years stated. I am glad to see this is circulating still.