That 99.9% of the world’s population is evil and will soon be destroyed by Jehovah
The Governing Body made up of 7 senior men in Brooklyn New York are the divinely appointed spokesmen for God on earth today.
If you don’t obey the Governing Body’s instructions and doctrines, you will die a violent death at Armageddon.
That Jesus is the mediator between God and Man for only 11,000 people on earth today and some 133,000 others already in heaven. The rest of mankind has to follow those 11,000 represented by the Governing Body to receive the benefits of the ransom.
Christ “invisibly” returned to rule the earth in 1914 and Satan was thrown to the earth at the same time. The proof of this invisible presence is that world conditions are deteriorating quickly.
If you want a chance of surviving Armageddon you must listen carefully and appreciatively as the 8 year old girl calling at your door on Saturday morning presents you with a magazine article on Cahokia Mounds. She is sent by Jehovah to reclaim you. Pay attention and live!
Everyone who is not a strong active Jehovah’s Witness is bad association and should be avoided this includes family who are not believers.
That to show respect for human life, God has forbidden the use of blood to save a persons life. However, God is fine with the use of blood fractions that add up to 99% of blood.
The prophet Elijah foreshadowed the work accomplished by JF Rutherford’s administration
The prophet Elisha foreshadowed the work accomplished by NH Knorr’s administration
The seven trumpet blasts in the book of Revelations were fulfilled by a series of 7 conventions of Bible Students in the 1920’s
That the vision of a statue recorded by Daniel some 2600 years ago, points to our time period specifically as the time of the end.
All Dinosaurs including T-Rex were vegetarians.
The Global Flood in Noah’s time is a fact despite scientific evidence otherwise
It is a waste of time and money to gain a higher education.
God would rather have us deliver religous magazines to starving, homeless, sick people, than to spend the same money, time, and effort in helping the sick, hungry, and homeless.
The only way to make God happy is to volunteer as much time and money as you can spare to contribute to the Watchtower Corporations efforts.