Pretty crazy article on Jehu. He slaughtered apostates and in a similar manner Christian Elders may have to take dramatic and courageous action to protect the congregation.
This is stupid.
had article of disabled woman,,she had offer of marriage by a fellow disabled man, considered ,but not a jw so will wait till new world when can leap and run and be sound of health.
poor dear.. another article about "temporary residents" to subsist and work for suffiencies as "the days are numbered" and then can have a beautiful house.
Pretty crazy article on Jehu. He slaughtered apostates and in a similar manner Christian Elders may have to take dramatic and courageous action to protect the congregation.
This is stupid.
you no longer believed that the watchtower organization was the truth, and that you were no longer going to go to the meetings or service?.
and a followup question... what was the response?.
Thank you for your helpful comments. In response to Smiddy, I have read Don Camerons Book and it is phenomenal. However my wife is not yet at the point of reading anything "apostate" I have had to relay things to her, which actually has seemed to work well since she has trust and respect for me.
We are close to jumping. I think it will only take one more changed teaching or scandal to give her the confidence that leaving is the best decision. Over the past two years I have expressed doubts and concerns about the organization. It has been a progression I guess. This has been the progression of events.
As an elder dealt with a molestation case and spoke with Brooklyn legal- realized they were out to protect the corporation.
Saw a history program on the Kings of Babylon realized that 607 was bunk
Read Finished mystery realized Russel was nuts
told my wife my concerns and doubts- She was shaken but kept my doubts between us
Recieved my new flock book realized it is just a management manual- shared it with my wife, she saw the same.
went to KM school -decided that I couldn't support a hypocritical organization
Discussed internal turmoil with my Wife and stepped down as an Elder under pretense with her support
Began to fade, Stopped service
Harold Campings fiasco was a striking parrallel to the Witnesses predictions. We both saw the similarities
Looked at the fact that the GB was demanding worship
Began to discuss what we would do if DFed
Started to miss meetings together
We are on the way out together. It is funny because in a mathematical way I have added all of the false teachings and corrupt policies up and come to the realization that it is all a lie. She has taken a more emotional, feelings oriented approach and knows it is wrong but is waiting for some sign or feeling that tells her to jump ship.
Thanks again for your thoughts.
your address.
your city, state, zip code.
your phone number.
Good luck Cheeze it.
you no longer believed that the watchtower organization was the truth, and that you were no longer going to go to the meetings or service?.
and a followup question... what was the response?.
Thanks for your comments and advice. There is lots of good advice here. especially JIFB's suggestion.
Still only a few have responded to the question of "how did you tell your mate that you were done with the organization?
you no longer believed that the watchtower organization was the truth, and that you were no longer going to go to the meetings or service?.
and a followup question... what was the response?.
@LWT She has extended family that are witnesses but in her immediate family out of 6 people only one person is still a witness, and she is not tremendously close to that person. We live quite a distance away from her family.
Her family is not a factor. However all of our freinds are. She is beginning to see that most of our friends are simply acquaintances.
you no longer believed that the watchtower organization was the truth, and that you were no longer going to go to the meetings or service?.
and a followup question... what was the response?.
She knows that it's crap. In fact she helped me write my letter to the Governing Body. She is falling back on that old "where else do we go". I have told her that if I was on a sinking ship I wouldn't wait for a rescue boat to appear before I jumped off.
She just is more hesitant to take action because of the lack of a landing place. I know she will probably continue to attend for a while after I stop. There will be tremendous pressure on her by the congregation, and I know that it is hard taking the kids to the meeting by herself. I don't want her to get to feel like I am the enemy because I am not being supportive.
you no longer believed that the watchtower organization was the truth, and that you were no longer going to go to the meetings or service?.
and a followup question... what was the response?.
Yes I am married with young kids. My wife is well aware of my misgivings about the org and she actually is looking at jumping ship also. She wants to give it more time to see if "Jehovah will step in and correct the corrupted organization." I know that is not going to happen and am tired of pretending to believe something that is false. I am ready to jump. She is not going to leave me over this.
However I don't know what her reaction will be when I tell her "I'm Done"
you no longer believed that the watchtower organization was the truth, and that you were no longer going to go to the meetings or service?.
and a followup question... what was the response?.
You no longer believed that the Watchtower Organization was the truth, and that you were no longer going to go to the meetings or service?
and a followup question... What was the response?
the co is at my husbands hall this week so i tied in to the meeting he was going on and on about how there are 140 elders in the circuit and only 80 something ms's.
of the elders 25 are over 75 years old.
of the ms's it was about 20 are over 75 years old.
The last KM school had a part on encouraging more men to reach out to serve as servants. Good luck with that. Just as an observation around my circuit there seems to be two men that are either being removed or quitting, for every one man that is appointed. Take that and factor in the death rate for these older guys and the org has got a pretty serious sucession problem.
may you all have peace!.
i would like to know something, if you will indulge me, please - thank you!
to what extent did you, as a jw... read/know the contents of the bible?
I was a serious student until I became an elder. After that all of my time was spent trying to prepare and write talks. I served in a small congregation for a time where there were three of us elders. I must admit that I became mentally lazy and honestly somewhat exhausted due to the demands of keeping the machine running.
I always took what was published for granted that it was based on the bible. Once I "woke up" I started to look at the scriptures in earnest without preconcieved ideas from the WTS. It is amazing how different the bible is without the filter of the watchtower.