If Bill Bowen (SilentLambs) was such a lier...why hasn't the WTS used their well paid attorneys to sue him or shut his site down?
How would I know? It doesn't mean that the site isn't full of lies. You only have to take a cursory look at his site to see that it is. For instance:
- "Brother Griest - MURDERER" (except the murder was committed 17 years before he converted to Jehovah's Witnesses)
- "Sister West Child Murderer" (except she's not and never was a Jehovah's Witness)
- "Brother Proulx kills" (except that he was not a Witness)
- Ditto for Mark Barton, Christian Longo, Robert Bryant.
- "Most cases that involved the murder of a family by the father in recent years have had JW connections." (Absurd. There are reportedly 500 such cases a year in the USA - Silentlambs mentions about 14 cases worldwide in a 15-year period, the majority of which did not involve Jehovah's Witnesses anyway.)
- "In effect the victim is accused of lying and now he/she is guilty until he/she can prove they are telling the truth by producing either people who watched it happen or photos as tangible proof." (False and ridiculous. No publication or letter of instruction to elders has ever said any such thing.)
- "The requirement for two witnesses means to the same event, not two separate occasions" (complete lie, easily refuted by looking at elders' textbook)
- "Public relations representatives for the Watchtower Organization have stated to media they will now take witnesses to separate incidents and take action in congregations. This became a policy instituted when silentlambs.org pressed the issue on child abuse." (So how come the policy is written in the 1991 elders' manual, ten years before Silentlambs came into existence?)
I t's totally DISGUSTING to think that an organization who claims to be Jehovah's messengers would even put in print... " if a state doesn't make it mandatory to report the CRIME OF CHILDREN they don't have to"!
It's not as simple as that. There are legal and common-sense reasons why the Society doesn't have a blanket policy of reporting all abuse, except if legally necessary. Why do you think no other church has the policy you want? Why do you think that professional counselors' associations don't have such a policy? Why don't even child protection agencies have a blanket policy of reporting all cases?
- Would you report abuse, for instance, against the wishes of victims who are now adults?
- Would you report a 17-year-old boy who had sex with his 15-year-old girlfriend?
- Have you considered that the policy you are suggesting would deter perpetrators (and even some victims) from telling the elders what happened? How is that going to help?
As said before...it's a clear case.....let the proper professionals handle the cases with professional investigators..and law...obey the laws of the lands.....
We do obey the laws of the land - meticulously. If victims or their parents want the case investigated by law enforcement, then they're free to report it.
in fact, it's a UNIVERSAL LAW OF CONSCIOUS, child sex abuse is not to be tolerated by anyone....the two witness, three witness DID apply not too long ago...and that applied to ADULTS...notice if a brother has something against you.....
The two-witness requirement basically concerns whether a judicial committee will be formed, with the unrepentant abuser disfellowshipped. Since other religious organizations don't disfellowship abusers whether there is one, two or ten eye-witnesses, I think you'd have to agree that Jehovah's Witnesses are still streets ahead of other churches.
I hear this excuse from many of you ... oh well, it happens in all the other religions. Actually, JWs are a smaller group...so of course their are going to be more among the Catholics with sex abuse....
Well of course it happens in all religions. It also happens among people with no religion. Can you propose any way of ensuring that it never happens? I can't, short of following everyone in the religion around with video cameras.
I think the evidence presented in previous replies makes it quite clear that abuse happens a lot less frequently among Jehovah's Witnesses than, say, among Catholic clergy.
Oh well, I guess the CHILD asked for it.....or dress wrong....Oh well, it's made up in the child's mind....
None of Jehovah's Witnesses' publications or internal documents has ever said anything of the sort.
Oh well, there's a cleansing of the molesters in the Cong....(there will be a cleansing from the top for not taking).Oh well, even though we have problems....we are not the worst of the worst...REALLY? You are to be unblemished among the nations.....as an example to his name! You have become like the other religions making foul excuses for many things...
You're not being reasonable. There is no way for any organization to know what its members are doing all the time. Abuse is considerably less frequent among Jehovah's Witnesses than in the population in general. Jehovah's Witnesses have an excellent child protection policy. Our policies don't apply to clergy only, but the whole congregation (unlike other churches). We have scrupulously followed legal requirements (unlike many other churches). We disfellowship unrepentant abusers (unlike most other churches). Repentant abusers are removed from all positions of trust. When there has been a case, the congregation is warned by a talk (unlike other churches). We keep a central register to prevent abusers simply moving to another congregation (unlike other churches).
I was molested by a Jehovah's Witness brother.....as a very young soul....I was victimized....my childhood damaged.....
That is appalling, but that is the fault of your abuser, not the congregation.
there should have NEVER BEEN two witness, three witness policy when it comes to CHILD SEX CRIMES, PERIOD!
Are you saying that everyone accused of child abuse is guilty? I think you'd soon change your mind if you or a loved one were falsely accused of abuse.
It's not like adultry, smoking....etc....what kind of moral, god like, concisous is this. Maybe if you knew the filthy details of my victimization, it would become more real to you.....instead of spewing your coldhearted comments.....
I'm sorry you were victimized. No-one should have to go through that. But I think your anger would be better directed toward the perpetrator rather than the congregation.
If you feel your abuser should be reported to the police, why don't you report him?
What part of...."They did not go to the authorities" do you not understand?
I understand perfectly. What I don't understand is why you don't go to the authorities, but you want them to.
What part of...."It's totally DISGUSTING to think that an organization who claims to be Jehovah's messengers would even dare put in print..." if a state doesn't make it mandatory to report SEX CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN, they don't have to"!
Please see above.
What is your point? That a Witness can be a child molester? Nobody disputes that. The perpetrators were disfellowshipped and the crimes were reported to the police by the victims. That is the way it should be. If someone commits a crime against me, then I am the one who should report them to the police, not my church.
Evil deeds of one person? Evil deeds on only a few? Really?
Actually, there are very few cases. Silentlambs claims to have reported 300 Witness abusers to the police in a five-year period - an average of one a week. Where are they? Having gone to all the trouble of locating them and reporting them to the police, they suddenly "forgot" to put the names and details of the trials on their website, and instead put up stories about people who aren't even Jehovah's Witnesses and never were!
In countries where the law requires a report to police (e.g. Canada), a report is always made. Have we seen a much higher incidence of convictions for child molestation among Witnesses in Canada than in the USA? I think not.
Even if cases were mishandled..do you think they (GB or Elders) would ever say anything to the victims? Do you think Elders feel repentful/sorry for mishandling the cases.....maybe they should get DF by God for mishandling cases....but I guess that's why the WTS is paying out...for settlements....and setting gage orders....
If they've mishandled the cases but are sorry, Jehovah will forgive them.
With regard to settlements, there have been a handful -- tiny number compared to the figure of over 1,100,000 Witnesses in the USA. These concerned isolated cases before 1997, when the tighter policy on child abuse was brought in. I don't think we'll be seeing many more.