(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( zadoc ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
JoinedPosts by peaches
Have a piece of cake with me?
by zadok777 inin 5th grade my teacher asked me.
do you like cake?
i of course replied.
I'm looking for as many pictures as possible concerning the WT, past and present
by callitquits76 indoes anybody know any great sources or would it be more likely to find a huge collection by manually trawling through many websites?.
i noticed a seller on ebay around 5 years ago selling a huge collection of photographs..
How I obtained my personal files from Bethel
by jwfacts init has taken me a long time, but i have finally put together an article outlining how i used the law to force bethel to send me my personal files.
it is a very long article full of scans, so i have linked to it at http://jwfacts.com/watchtower/experiences/personal-files-privacy-act-1988.php.
in brief, in 2006 i requested that bethel send me my files on the basis that the australian privacy act 1988 entitles people to receive a copy of any information a corporation holds about them.
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( jwfacts))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Sexual Repression 101. Pure WT Gold: Wednesday's Daily Text.
by Open mind inwednesday's daily text was a masterpiece.
each sentence just added another layer of sexual guilt and repression.
i could go off for at least another 500 words but i'll stop.. .
JW's just visited us !
by man in black infyi : my wife and i each sent a da letter to the org, and our hall one an a half years ago.. we were done with this religion completely .
this morning at 10:45 a jw appeared at our door, we invited him in and he said the org.
had a "loving arrangment" in which persons who left.
glad it was you and not me....
female---(at least this week) tee hee....yes,,,i do think i am funny....
Five family members molested by the same J.W. man....conference call tonight
by koolaid-man inchild molestation is running rampant in the organization.
thousands of jehovah's witness children are being sexually abused.
the elders continue to hide the pedophiles and the congregation has no idea that predators are in their midst.
the poor kid (s)
Will a person be "marked" for playing in a rock band?
by hoser inif a brother or sister is musically talented and decides to play at clubs or dance halls for money will they receive counsel from the elders?
depends on the hall your in and the type of elders you have...
Ohhhh, you're gonna regret that in the morning!
by Elsewhere inhttp://dogatar.com/a-terrible-mistake/.
Head Boy Quits Over Anthem Row
by Bangalore inhead boy quits over anthem row.. .
oh god....