The video may be dated, but thoroughly enjoyable... Thanks for sharing!
JoinedPosts by Never_Enough
Witness Goes Out - Great video
by pale.emperor insaw this video and enjoyed it.
some terrible acting and some of the portrayals are exaggerated in my opinion but their bible vs watchtower reasonings are spot on.. i think it's produced by jeremiah films (who, i think, have a hibit of exaggerating the facts) but us ex members can tell..
Car accident
by Clambake ini was in a car accident in a fatality.
without going into detail i wasnt found in the wrong.
alcohol and poor judgement were involved with the other party.
UBM = Un-Believeing Mate... No?
How old were you when you left the Watchtower - SURVEY
by usualusername ini believe that the older you are the harder it is to leave the watchtower.. .
i am attempting to get a list of ages people learnt the "truth" and what age they left.. .
Age 3-27
(dunked at 12, ms at 17)
I'm thinking about going back
by Corboy101 ini have been out for 22 years.i was raised as a jehovahs witness.
i was baptized in 1986 but soon after left the religion.
theres a whole lot to the reasons why i left, but i left.
The mere fact that this organization could have sufficiently changed in only 22 years so as to warrant renewed interest is, in itself, a condemnation.
Congratulations - fitting that it falls so close to (another) Independance Day.
at the DC right now,disgusting talk
by losingit intortured by this talk where they are attempting to legitimize the division/ separation of family.. "sadly friends some will refuse to have courage in this it not in our best interests to abide the arrangements of the christian congregation as set by jehovah?
accept the torture stake involved in confessing union with christ.
then they cite the example of a brother who is thankful to his wife for persisting in preaching to him.. now they are talking about disfellowshipping, lay serious guilt trip .the brother talking about his baby sister getting disfellowshipped, how his father cried for the first time.
I think it's awesome you're posting this from a DC!
Remember the old stories of people sneaking publications into prisons and concentration camps? I get a real kick out of you doing the exact opposite; sneaking an 'apostate website' right in their midst.
The erosion of their control is palpable.
"They're like mushrooms.
Feed 'em shit and keep them in the dark."
Clapping at the meetings and assembly
by NewYork44M ini had a random thought this morning about clapping.
growing up in the wt culture i learned the proper protocol for clapping.
before the assembly speaker gave his talk, but not after.
My congregations have always applauded after demonstrations, despite the request from the KM (I think it was) not to do that. Somehow the demos are deserving of applause even though the talk containing them is not.
We had an elder move into our hall who passionately enforced the applause-after-demonstration policy. "Perfunctory" doesn't begin to describe the sheer stupidity of clapping for some barely-there demonstration that was hastily thrown together in the lobby during the song before the Service Meeting (where I come from, there were many).
Someone said earlier that the WT has a way of sucking the life out of everything; applause was no exception.
So basically, it's all for show
by jeremiah18:5-10 injw's claim to be god-fearing, faithful, spiritual people with a unique special personal relationship with god (jehovah).. yet, so much of what they do is just fro show, an outward appearance of holiness and faithfulness:.
) shunning- an organization-sanctioned shunning policy publicly "outs" the shunned and puts pressure on members to cary out the shunning.
why is this necessary if they truly have faith in god and that he sees all and nothing is hidden from his view?
The topic of beards uncovers an unadulterated truth about the organization: The Watch Tower organization does not build strong Christians; they weaken Christians (JWs) to the point that a man's facial hair becomes a stumbling block.
P.S. - By the way, I have grown a beard and I love it. It is short and kempt. I have received many compliments on it. I have also discussed the Bible with people while wearing my beard, and I have found that it does not add or detract from the discussion. It is a non-issue, unless, of course, you're a Witness.
So true.. This has been my own experience as an MS. No one could ever give me a satisfying explanation for the ban on facial hair. One elder told me it was because food gets stuck in your beard and you end up looking undignified... which led me to think whether Charlie Russell, (or better yet, Jesus) walked around with yesterday's leftovers stuck to their chins. Doesn't make any sense! It just came down to "it is, because it is".
Now I, too, have since grown a beard- first as a seasonal thing, but now it's grown on me and I rather like it. As for it being kempt, my barber compliments me on how trimmed it always is, so I must be doing something right. Otherwise it's a complete non-issue and only comes up when dealing with current/active JWs.
JW Study - OUT!!
by uk_ex_jw ina few months ago, i posted about a study who was getting baptised this summer at the upcoming dc.. we discussed a few things on fb.
i showed him evidence that the watchtower does not have the truth.
the last i heard was that he had gone to the elder's with the information i had given him.. i haven't heard from him since.. however, yesterday he contacted a jw, elder's son on fb.
I guess this qualifies as a Field Service Experience?
Glad you made an impact... hope your friend keeps digging