I have been out for 22 years.I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness. I was baptized in 1986 but soon after left the religion. There’s a whole lot to the reasons why I left, but I left. I married a non believer and subsequently got involved in Christian churches, even to the point of converting, being baptized and becoming a layman. Now I’m thinking about coming back. I've wondered if what I thought I knew was really what they teach so I accepted a study. Now I'm more confused then ever. My focus is only on doctrine. There are good and bad people in all groups. I don't believe the acts of some bad people determine it being the truth or not. If there were the case there is not truth. I also do not believe anyone is "brainwashed" into believing something. Everybody has a choice and everyone make individual decisions. Some of the variables maybe difficult but in the end, most of you (including me) CHOSE to be a witness at a certain point and CHOSE to leave. You don't have to agree with me. My opinion. I'm only interested in doctrine.
I'm thinking about going back
by Corboy101 85 Replies latest jw friends
This site by current witnesses could provide you with help in doctrinal matters.
I will never , ever go back to JW, both for doctrinal and org. matters.
If lyou are only interested in doctrine I would suggest you do a personal study on your own. To go back into a high control group for the sake of doctrine study in like a former prisoner who was in jail for many years going back to jail to see what it is really like. Yes their are good people in the Wt. cult but that does not make it right. It just means many are being deceived by a corporation. I feel the internet would be the tool that would work best for what you want. My 2 cents worth. Good luck in whatever you do. Totally ADD
Corboy, this is the devil working on you putting doubts into your head. You know that the teaching of having to be one of Jehovah's witnesses, belonging to their organization, and even not having a relationship with Jehovah if you don't support the Governing Body, is not biblical. The bible tells us that we must believe in Jesus Christ to be saved, but Jehovah's witnesses do not teach this, they teach you that to be saved, you must be a JW, you must support the Governing Body, you must listen to their every word. Even going to far as to say, this is part of your salvation, the supporting of the Governing Body. Jesus does not need anyone to help save you, he did it on his own with his death. Please think very carefully before going back into this way of life. You have found Jesus, don't allow these men to take him away from you and replace him with themselves.
Corboy101, if you are only interested in doctrine, then you need to know that JWs are wrong.
Their beliefs are predicated on assumptions about 'invisible' things that supposedly happened in 1914.
Their selection of 1914 is based on their assertion that Jerusalem fell in 607 BCE. That assertion is entirely false.
Read Jeremiah 25:12. What is the order of events given there? What happens after 70 years ends. When did that happen?
2 Peter 2:22- "There's is and old saying that "A dog comes back to what he has vomited, and a pig is washed only to come back and wallow in the mud again."
So, when you finally figure it out, we will wash you again. Good luck with the CULT.
The Searcher
Make your own choices as to where you go and what you believe. Just remember, there are liars and control freaks in abundance, just waiting to put you under their loving "control and guidance".
Your prime concern should be what the Eagles sang about in Hotel California - "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave".
I'm 65 year old born in. I left at the time you was baptised. Take your time, this is not the same religion you knew. The things that I have learned in the past few months has left me shocked and speechless. The hardest for me which I can't even wrap my mind around is dinding out that Jesus is not my mediator only the mediator for 144,000. My body and soul says if Jesus is not my mediator why did I have so much responsibility toward myself and others for all these years. Study, and check facts do not just accept what JWs want you to know ob the surface, dig deeper.
There seems to be a homing instinct built into people. Some want to see their old home town. Some the old school, or Granparent's house.
Most of the time it simply isn't there anymore. My guess is that what you miss will be missing.
friends don't just materialize because you walk into a Kingdom Hall. If it's friends you are looking for, maybe another approach would work better.
There are good and bad people in all groups. I don't believe the acts of some bad people determine it being the truth or not.
If this is your reasoning, then you can go out and join pretty much any religion under the sun, no matter how revulsive its leaders or followers are.
For example, if your focus is doctrine, by returning to JWs you will be required to believe that Jesus Christ selected Joseph Rutherford in 1919 to be his faithful and discreet slave.
If you do an objective study of Rutherford's character based on historical evidence, you will swiftly reach the conclusion that there's no way that such a dreadful man could have been chosen by Christ.
But then apparently you believe that it doesn't matter what religious leaders do in order for something to be the truth.
Something else you might want to consider is the Society's concept of "increasing light," which is the doctrine used to excuse their constant changes in teachings. I challenge you to find a single scripture in the Bible that describes a process whereby God hands down wrong information to his servants as a "makeweight" until true information is divulged at a later stage. That is essentially what the increasing light doctrine requires you to believe, and yet it is not supported anywhere in scripture.