In response to witnesses and peace, I would have to say that I started to fade not because of false doctrines but I am a healthcare provider and many witnesses see me and they do sign a consent form of confidentiality and I was thoroughly sickened by the admissions of Elders, suicidal Regular pioneers, and if I had a dollar for all the depressed and manic witnesses I have seen over the years I could buy Costa Rica.
I use to feel sorry for them, but now I just focus on educating them that Jehovah wants you happy and healthy and disapproves of you treating your body like a garbage disposal.
Thank Goodness 70% of my clients are not witnesses, the non-witnesses are far more peaceful and healthier and just "get it" that they only have one body and want to take care of it, the witnesses have the "well I will be perfect in the new system" little do they know the more times you go the golden arches the closer you get to the pearly gates!
The Law of Polarity is undisputable (Up-down Hot-cold good-evil jehovah-satan sick-healthy)