How much wood could brother Wistchuck chuck if brother Wistchuck could chuck wood?
MT, you probably were at the Natick Assembly Hall yesterday on Saturday, listening to Bro. Wistchuck weren't ya?
That's exactly the words he used. I was taken aback and had to look around when he said the bit about there not being a formula for knowing about the last days and Armageddon being around the corner. I remember how we had to study and vomit back comments about the day for a year and the six-oh-seven being a "pivotal year" and on and on. Wasn't that a formula? I and several million witnesses had misunderstood the study lessons.
It is so very insulting to pull something like this in front of so many elderly, faithful and loyal Witnesses who were around decades and decades back and were told they wouldn't grow old in this system of things.
Frankly, the hour long talk with Brother Wistchuck seemed overly long, drawn out and with little to encourage a person who wants to see God's will be done rather than the will and whim of people that profit from enslaving others mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
How much wood could brother Wistchuck chuck if brother Wistchuck could chuck wood?