Great stuff folks. Thank you...... I really would like to create SOME sort of security by having that college education.
Getting married at 20, never going to college, but being that superstar elder.....well thats where its at...
i'm admitting to be very pissed off.....and bitter.
i'm sick of having no job security (i know its relative), but mostly because i did not go to college....... has anyone gone back to school post 40?
how was the experience?
Great stuff folks. Thank you...... I really would like to create SOME sort of security by having that college education.
Getting married at 20, never going to college, but being that superstar elder.....well thats where its at...
i'm admitting to be very pissed off.....and bitter.
i'm sick of having no job security (i know its relative), but mostly because i did not go to college....... has anyone gone back to school post 40?
how was the experience?
I'm admitting to be very pissed off.....and bitter. I'm sick of having no job security (I know its relative), but mostly because I did NOT go to college......
Has anyone gone back to school post 40? How was the experience? Was it worth it financially?
so this week has been co visit.
i'll try to do a review without too much of me going off on a tangent to get the overview out and then let you all comment as you see fit.. theme of the week based on matt.
24 (sign of jesus presence and the end of the system of things).. co stressed once again (he as said this in every talk this week) that we are approaching 100 years of jesus reign.
It just keeps getting better:
I sat for SIX hours with an 'anointed one' talking and talking and talking today. They didn't even KNOW about "Generations"
Yeah, you read that right..............some loser like me was teaching a member of the "faithful and discreet slaves" about his own teaching......
I just sat there staggered for hours.
i would like some thoughts on this issue.
as we well know the wts has been going strong for 130 years.
and they are still making large increases.
The numbers are skewed....many people don't tell the truth.
Also, please keep in mind that the vast majority of JW's aren't educated on their own religion. They couldn't explain 1914 if they had to. Those that do have an inkling that its incorrect usually just say 'oh well' or 'well, we are doing the preaching work'
The lack of true heart motive and education on what they claim they would 'die for' is unnerving. My own family knows NOTHING about "the Truth"...... yet they keep showing up, daydreaming and leaving.
Go to a meeting on a Sunday. No one is listening. Listen to the WT comments....they are parrotted out of the paragraph.
None of them know why they are there......most stay in for social circles, family ties and not knowing any better.
someone talk me out of going to jail.. i just found out an ms called my sister and verbally abused her.
told her she was 'unspiritual and inactive and he doesn't have to listen to her'.......he then continued with what a 'crappy mother she is' etc.. i'm in a blind rage.
Thanks gang.....I couldn't agree more. This guy is a piece of work. After threatening to come kick his ass....yes, I did it... he is now proclaiming me an apostate....LOL LOL He went on to tell my nephew that he spent time in prison for shooting someone. Que the song ".....We're Jehovah's Witnesses....we speak out in ....." I want to rip his lungs out....
to all of you exjws, i'm sure you've been asked this question one way or the other many times and i'm sure the answer is different for many of you, i'd like to know directly from you never having a chance to hear or read many exjw's answers to this.
knowing that you would be cut off from your family and friends and other consequences for your decision to leave, how did you ever get the strength to do it?
i mean really, i find it fascinating to know that there are so many of you who were at one time very devout, if not at the very least loyal to one of the most successful mind-contol organizations ever who believed all if not most of what the society taught and still you found the courage to risk everything once you accepted that it isn't what it claims to be.
After years of loyal service as an elder....after being raised in "the truth".... after knowing about the lying and corruption among elders.... after watching my son made fun of by field service groups while at lunch/them at a 'break'...... after watching an adulterous woman get away without so much as ONE meeting to deal with her......... it finally came down to this:
I was away on a business trip in the exact opposite corner of the country. I got a call letting me know I was being slandered. I returned home and never went back. Enough was enough. a landslide.....the worst collection of people I've ever been around.
someone talk me out of going to jail.. i just found out an ms called my sister and verbally abused her.
told her she was 'unspiritual and inactive and he doesn't have to listen to her'.......he then continued with what a 'crappy mother she is' etc.. i'm in a blind rage.
Thanks to all.
I didn't sleep much last got worse. This clown actually text my MINOR nephew and encouraged him to sneak out and come to his house.....that he needed to talk to him alone. He says in the text "don't tell your parents"
This guy is in his 40's.
I think he pissed his pants when I got him on the phone. I was told brothers were alert at the hall in case I showed up and drug him out by the throat.
These people are out of control.
someone talk me out of going to jail.. i just found out an ms called my sister and verbally abused her.
told her she was 'unspiritual and inactive and he doesn't have to listen to her'.......he then continued with what a 'crappy mother she is' etc.. i'm in a blind rage.
I don't know......I'm just so incredibly livid right now....... I'm on the phone now with a brother who says he called her an apostate....
These people are just evil......
can you be df'd for atheism?
if you only tell the elders that you don't believe in god, and as a result will be decreasing your activity, will they reprove you and/or df you if you aren't repentant over time?
pretend that you aren't telling them anything about your feelings regarding the organization or governing body.
They can DF you for any reason that suits them.
someone talk me out of going to jail.. i just found out an ms called my sister and verbally abused her.
told her she was 'unspiritual and inactive and he doesn't have to listen to her'.......he then continued with what a 'crappy mother she is' etc.. i'm in a blind rage.
Thanks gang. Unfortunately......I lost it with him on the phone. A total smart ass punk. Those "brothers" all know me....... they are likely posting guards and now looking for a way to DF me.....
I can't believe the things he said to my sister. I can't believe they are allowed to talk this way. After all this time.....and 17 years as a servant......I'm still shocked to see that they can do this and get away with it......