I'm so sorry Coffee House Girl..... I hope you and your brother can find some peace.
I'm just speechless about these people anymore..... they have NO love whatsoever (1 Cor. 13:1-8)
coffee shop guy directed me to his thread...thank you so much everyone for your thoughts of support, it means a lot to have people who understand and show genuine sympathy.
here's my experience so far.... my father dies monday night & my brother (nonjw) calls me to come home, when i arrive my father is still sitting on the couch- all the jw family is sitting in a semi-circle around him, my non jw brother is standing in the next room.
no one is crying, no one is talking.
I'm so sorry Coffee House Girl..... I hope you and your brother can find some peace.
I'm just speechless about these people anymore..... they have NO love whatsoever (1 Cor. 13:1-8)
i had a call with a good buddy......still an elder the other night.. when i mentioned generations/overlapping.......he had no clue what i was talking about.
such a good man.......... but it doesn't matter.....they don't even realize what is being said to them; what is being done to them.
a high stature elder in their organization....and he had no clue there was another change..... how the hell does this happen?.
Thanks folks....I'm just still completely floored. He had NO CLUE what I was talking about.....I was reeling off scripture after scripture and he would sit there....he clearly had no grasp of his own Bible.
I agree with the posts above..... I'm trying to wrap my mind and heart around how much I cared, how much studying I did....only to find out the mass majority do NOTHING.....including fellow elders....which I witnessed all the time. They literally couldn't quote 5 scriptures.
Its like handing your child or wife over to a doctor that has never read a medical manual and saying ......"...sure, feel free to operate on her"
He also went on to say that JW's have "never said we are the only ones that will be saved"
I just started laughing. I couldn't help it..........I just busted out full on laughing at him. I said "why are you going in field service then??"
For those that put their heart and soul into this religion.....that were passionately loyal........ is it not even more difficult to realize that all of your efforts were wasted on completely ignorant, mind numbing people who could give a rat's ass????????
i had a call with a good buddy......still an elder the other night.. when i mentioned generations/overlapping.......he had no clue what i was talking about.
such a good man.......... but it doesn't matter.....they don't even realize what is being said to them; what is being done to them.
a high stature elder in their organization....and he had no clue there was another change..... how the hell does this happen?.
I had a call with a good buddy......still an elder the other night.
When I mentioned Generations/Overlapping.......he had NO CLUE WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT
Such a good man.......... but it doesn't matter.....they don't even realize what is being said to them; what is being done to them. A high stature elder in their organization....and he had NO CLUE there was another change....
How the hell does this happen?
Anyone else with similar experiences?
i was baptized in 1986.. 2 generation changes..
Baptized 5/25/85
What has changed???
Blood Fractions
The Song Book
Bookstudies are gone
The Revelation Climax Book....several times over
The King of the North and the King of the South
Oral Sex
Pioneering hours
Allowing Field Service time in 15 minute increments (how funny is that??)
Public Talks are shorter
The Theocratic School format/Theo School Book
Divorce......there are so many now....that its not shocking anymore...you just marry another JW and carry on LOL
But the one that had a devastating effect on me???? ---- They took away the cheese danish. I'm still emotionally scarred.
i came across a website that presents decent argumentation against three main areas of jw doctrine.. http://jwreform.org/index.html.
who do these people think they are?
do they really believe that the wts will sit up and take notice of their objections?
"What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is lacking cannot be counted." - Eccl. 1:15
But nevermind....that's just the Bible....
i used to really like the drawings as a kid.
the artists, i think, are usually pretty good, not so much at portraying emotions but in technical ways.
the photos always seemed silly to me.. so what do all of you think?.
I feel sorry for the artists who are clearly wasting their talent ....
But who doesn't like seeing people run in terror from fireballs in the sky....
Its love ....I tell you, its love....
Hey....we would let a 12 year old get married, right??
No reason they can't make a more important vow of dedication.
They are clearly nutjobs.
a few years back, when my elder brother was still talking.
to me, he mention that, brothers was divorceing there wife.
and marring younger sisters.
One of the most overlooked problems in this organization.
It happens ALL THE TIME.....I could reel off a dozen names in my area where this was the case.
Little do they seem to realize they are doing the VERY SAME THING GOD CONDEMNED IN MALACHAI....in fact, that same elder will get on stage and give a talk on Malachai.
I honestly think most JW's are just brain dead.
i'm sitting here at work by myself reminiscing about an old situation that created unneccesary tension.
a few years ago as my mother was in the hospital just diagnosed with ovarian cancer,most family were already at the hospital but my sister who lived in new york at the time had not arrived yet.
my mother who was newly reinstated and knew that my sister and her ex husband now boyfriend wanted to stay the week in her house.
I was involved in an experience AFTER I resigned as an elder......where my friends ( The brother came to me as a respected former elder.... he was an MS) ...mother was dying of cancer....her fiancee would come over and feed her food, medication and WHEEL her to the bathroom where he had to aid her in 'relieving herself'
No one wanted that job. he loved her so much that, even though not yet married, he was there by her side. The elders disciplined him, told the sisters NOT to help her, due to their disobedience in not having a chaperone!!!!!!!
It was one of the final straws in my exit.
She died. Ruined. Alone.
When I went to the funeral at the KH, one of the elders started to approach me.....I looked at him with a look of DEATH and shook my head....he stopped in his tracks and backpedaled.
I'm convinced I would have hit him.
watchtower 15th jan 1958 page 62 qfr.. why, after receiving from god the express command to multiply and fill the earth, did adam and eve refrain from carrying out this procreation mandate while they were perfect in the garden of eden?.
asking this question concerning adam and eve is like trying to meddle in the private affairs of a christian married couple today, and asking why they have had no children as yet.
jehovah god set no definite time for adam and eve to begin having perfect children to fill the earth.
You just can't make this stuff up.....