That letter is the most outstanding 'read' I've ever had on this board.
Thank you for posting that...... that is incredibly well done.
It hurt my heart knowing those that read it reacted with ", duh.....duh.....let's ignore it"
it's been quite a while since i lasted posted anything on jwn.
i was in hiding previously, but only because i wanted to avoid the shun gun until i had the opportunity to tell my former congregation what i think about the org./gb.
i last attended a meeting over 2.5 years ago but it wasn't until june--when i earned my bachelor's degree--that i finally had the time to collect my thoughts and get them down on paper...i decided to write my letter in a style i felt would be most appealing to my target audience--jw's still under gb mind control --in the hope that at least a few would read it and actually "think".
That letter is the most outstanding 'read' I've ever had on this board.
Thank you for posting that...... that is incredibly well done.
It hurt my heart knowing those that read it reacted with ", duh.....duh.....let's ignore it"
this is very good, at least it will be in a few years.
sorry if it's been posted here before already.. it's in the watchtower magazine may 15th, 2014, last page: from our archives: they talk about a public speech held in sao paolo in 1923 where they also distributed the brochure "millions who now live will never die" (pictured in the magazine!).
a quick calculation: 1923 -> 2014, how many people in the world now are 90 years old or more?
I wish I could remember which WT issue it was....but it literally had the paragraph reading "May never die...." right next to a picture of the book which read "Will never die...."
I laughed for weeks!!!! I pointed it out to someone I knew still 'in'....and he said 'maybe it was just a mistake?'
LOL.....I knew then I had to let go of trying to help people get out............ that brief convo was so shocking. Literally RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER....and they still 'reasoned' it away.....
the influx of new posters made me wonder if the push to view is helping curious ones find this support site?.
please post whether you found jwn during an internet search or if someone told you about it.. i myself was directed here by a df'd family member once i shared my doubts with that person..
I started by googling Ray Franz.....I was an elder....but I was looking. I got CoC........eventually found this forum....I think it was around 2008?
i am 46 and have been a jw for only 6 years.
i was doing ok until about a month ago.
we were having an international convention and i heard the brother that had to pick up 2 of the members of the governing body had to get a background check done on him and his wife.
I too am a former long time elder. Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult. Run......don't look back. You own them don't have to give stories or explanations......get out and enjoy life.
it is rare to get such a startling, sparkling, perfect example of this.. here is a snippet of a conversion going on at regarding israel/gaza:.
every one who is in the world today and dies tomorrow is in line for a ressurection.this is their best way of being in the new world.
I've often thought it's even worse than that.
Why not just go around killing people and screaming "you can thank me Paradise" as they die.
Surely you would be 'saving' more people than going door to door, right?
Cognitive Dissonance doesn't even cover the bizarro world of JW's
2 Timothy 3:16, 17..........they say this is the "Word of God".......then proceed to advertise billions of pages of literature and now their website.
Odd, isn't it?
Even odder is their constant quoting of Psalm 146:3............then turning around and claiming they should obey everything 7 men in Brooklyn say.....
A true study in cognitive dissonance and brainwashing.
A human tragedy.
here's an interesting excerpt from forged by bart ehrman (pay particular attention to the last sentence):.
"a number of the books of the new testament were disputed already in early christianity, among the christian scholars of the second to the fourth centuries, who were arguing over which books should be included in scripture.. the most famous instance is the book of revelation.
a third-century christian scholar of alexandria, egypt, named dionysius, argued that the book was not actually written by jesuss disciple john, the son of zebedee.
No, no, no, NO!
The Book of Revelation is about a 19th - 21st publishing company located in Brooklyn, NY. Within the walls of this publishing company are handful of people that are going to heaven and have direct communication with God.
God made sure that this inspired book was part of the Bible canon so future generations could discern things like only 144,000 could have a special relationship with him, they would be those carrying Watchtower magazines.
Picka a chapter.......any chapter....... it's SO obvious!!!
i found this interesting!
the jw's are very,very busy trying to keep a hold on the real information regarding the group's ugly underbelly!.
That 'new light' is closer to a strobe light
at the international convention here i just got off the elevator with anthony morris.
he was heading to the basement and i was heading up to administration.
i rode one floor down with him before i went up to my destination.
"changes in the future"
Does that mean he knows what he is saying now isn't true???
LOL......these guys are awesome
so said the co last night.. apparently a jw was on a flight and just happend to sit next to some big wig from pixar and when the man from pixar heard that he was a jw the pixar man just gushed over what great work that the watchtower has done in producing the caleb video's.
he siad he only wished pixar could do such great work.
the co said we are able to do it because we have free labor and jehovah behind us.. my husband stayed home from the meeting but wanted to tie in by phone and that is what the co said in his talk.. the co also talked about all the changes that have happened in the last ten years and how if some of the friends did not like it they needed and to quote him "they just needed to get over it" these changes are going to happned period.
Was the person he spoke to a Smurf?