JoinedPosts by daringhart13
My New Thoughts on Adam and Eve (don't laugh)
by xjwsrock inwarning for those that are still believers... this train of thought will not be faith strengthening.... i have come a long way since first stumbling on crumbs of ttatt in 2012.
(i have not come nearly as far with the wife unfortunately, but such is life.
) my critical thinking ability, thankfully, is in another stratosphere since figuring out i was a jw lab rat.
Did Adam have a belly button? -
A JW experience
by Saintbertholdt inthis is a quick experience i have recently had and i have two questions at the end.. a couple of weeks ago, the dogs were barking at the gate on saturday morning and wouldn't you know it, it was some witnesses.
there was a father with his lovely wife and their young daughter.
the father did all the talking as mother and daughter just dutifully smiled and watched.
90% of JW's don't know the difference between Moses and Noah.......almost none of them have even read the Bible.
Did you see the Royal Commission grilling of the GB member? He sounded dumb as a stump...... and HE is supposed to be Jesus brother......
LOL.....just typing it makes me laugh
Defining What is the Truth about the Truth of the Jehovah's Witnesses Religion
by Finkelstein inin an endeavor to clearly define the truth about the truth of the jw religion, whats your personal perception of what you understand of how this religion came to be, in its inherit beginning and how it was able to sustain itself over the years ?
from my own perspective i think the strategic actions by its founding leaders to draw attention to their own published works such as the singular endeavors starting from c t russell and onward.
the self proposing recognition by people such as j rutherford, that god had specifically (1919) chosen " his " organization exclusively, is really where and when this assuming man made power began and continued to flourish.. but the real significant thing that created attention to the public's eyes and imagination was when both russell and rutherford proclaimed that christ had returned and he had started to divide and choose who was going to be saved from destruction and live on in a earthly paradise and who was to be killed at the soon to come day of judgement.
My thoughts:
The vast majority of JW's are so uneducated.....and most of it is by CHOICE....they love ignorance. It's comfortable for them. I think a great many subconsciously know it's all a lie.....but crave a sense of belonging. Therefore, the depression that runs rampant through the 'organization.'
It is nothing more than a semi-brilliant (all religions employ this methodology) pyramid scheme. It took off during an interesting time in human history, particularly the western world. It grew mostly among disadvantaged people.
Does anyone know the themes of this year's circuit and district conventions?
by mamacita29 ini'm trying to get a jump ahead for my colleague.
i am making progress though and she is now willing to listen to logic.
logic and reasoning is like kryptonite to jw's.
What Is The Watchtower's Biggest Problem?
by minimus inthe organization has many problems.
certain doctrines are problematic.
the men who run the organizaion have issues.
The entire thing is a lie.
You might as well build an organization based on the tooth fairy.
QUICK! Questions to ask MARK SANDERSON!!!!!!!
by TeenageInsider inquickly!!.
mark sanderson at a regional assembly.. i will find him and ask him questings.. please quickly leave questions you want me to ask.. i will record and post updates!!!!.
"What are you doing to go find every, single precious soul that based life decisions on 'old light' and fix it ... so they too can have everlasting life?"
"You wouldn't want to bring reproach on Jehovah's name, would you?"
by Esse quam videri inwhat would be your reply?.
my reply: jehovah is big enough to take care of himself.. yours?.
Jehovah lets children be killed and die....and sexually assaulted.
I'd say he has done it to himself. You?
Quality of JW teaching from elders
by sir82 inthere was a recent thread on the "quality" of converts to jws in recent years.
it wasn't a pretty picture, based on the thread contents.. well, the lack of depth isn't restricted to new converts.. in our clam this week, one of the principal points for review was this:.
ne 1:1; 2:1—why can we conclude that “the 20thyear” mentioned at nehemiah 1:1 and 2:1 is countedfrom the same starting point?
Almost all of the truly gifted speakers and teachers I knew have left.
My god, it must be pure misery listening the stupidity at meetings.
Why would anyone choose to support Jehovah’s Witnesses?
by Half banana inwhat is the point of supporting a belief which began as a bronze age ox-headed idol called yahweh... in a religion designed for illiterate peasants now appropriated by a money-driven cult with a one hundred and forty six year unbroken record of total failure of its bible based predictions?.
You do realize that supporting Jehovah's Witnesses is not a passive choice, right? I'm guessing you've only been associated with Jehovah's Witnesses for the past few years.
Innocent people have died that could have been saved and had full lives (see changes in blood, Malawi, Nazi Germany)
Innocent children are sexually molested, brutally abused... and it goes unpunished and unreported, resulting in more children molested.
Millions have been robbed of reaching their full potential due to not attending college or pursuing dreams
Millions have had money stolen from them
Innocent people have had soul crushing lies pounded into their heads for over a century
How would you feel about someone that ran into a crowded theater and yelled "FIRE!" when there wasn't one? That is what JW's have been doing for over a century in field service.
How is it the best 'thing' going? How is it the best option? ANY support for this organization is a stand for something that kills innocent people and steals lives.
Are J .W`s elligible for the Guinness Book of records for the most flip flops on doctrines ? In their 140? or so year history ?
by smiddy inwould the jehovah`s witnesses be a shoe in , for the most about face , flip flop , of doctrine , beliefs , and practices in this 21st century , to have previously strongly held beliefs and then for them to be discarded in their 140 ?
year history ?.
i think they take the cake .. smiddy.
They would be if anyone cared about their opinions.
I think we have all learned that the universe could care less about this group..... they're just silly and sad......and also dangerous (blood, shunning, etc.)