uh yeah...........hey everyone, trust your children, your family, your marriage to the window washer, janitor and sheet rocker......they are qualified to protect you.
Good god.
flock book pg.
38 para 20 last sentence:.
for example, the sin may involve past.
uh yeah...........hey everyone, trust your children, your family, your marriage to the window washer, janitor and sheet rocker......they are qualified to protect you.
Good god.
my wife and i have not even been df'd for a week and an old friend on fb (an inactive jw who has active jw friends who used to be friends of mine) says there's a rumor going around that i'm gay.
really jws?
Oh yeah...its JW 101..........I used to give a talk where I asked the audience if they knew the difference between adultery and slander.....I would pause....and then say ....." a comma"
It took them a minute, but they got the point.
I've never been in a corprate environment that is worse than JW's..........they slander, lie, embellish, invent, etc.....like no other collection of people I"ve ever seen.
And they are so creative.
Oh......and I'm 'apostate' and banging women every hour on the hour......
okay, i wanted to know more about the jws, so i went to the website and filled in my name and other info.
i was finally contacted, set up an appointment and visited.
the first two people came and they were nice, but one of the fellows looked uptight and avoided eye contact.
That isn't surprising to me at all.
The vast majority.....like 95% or more couldn't tell you anything about the Bible or their own religion's history. Its shocking....and deeply disturbing. They get in that pool and get baptized knowing almost NOTHING.....
Those I love are still practicing....and admit to me they know 'nothing about the Bible'......
I just sit there with my jaw on the ground
has anyone tried online dating?.
i travel constantly and feel like i'm only home on weekends....tough to meet anyone near me..... any success?
waste of time?.
Thanks Cogs,
Yes...I agree women have that strong drive too......I guess it just took me off guard a little....I wasn't expecting it so boldly.
I've been disappointed in the results....but I'm guessing timing is everything. I've had a couple of dates in the last two weeks, but none from the site...... I guess I was thinking there might be better results......but glad to hear that you've done it and have been somewhat successful :)
has anyone tried online dating?.
i travel constantly and feel like i'm only home on weekends....tough to meet anyone near me..... any success?
waste of time?.
Thanks for the responses.
It seems that most of the women just want to have some sex....... I guess I didn't expect that LOL
Weird dynamic.
I don't have problem meeting women......I just haven't met one I want a relationship with......so I figured "why not?"
does anyone have any images from watchtower publications of "worldly people"?
i remember some collages of worldly people doing evil things and would like to included them in some articles..
I don't have any.....but the funniest is always when they show the 'worldly' guy with a goatee or a beard.
That instantly makes them.....the "bad person"
has anyone tried online dating?.
i travel constantly and feel like i'm only home on weekends....tough to meet anyone near me..... any success?
waste of time?.
Has anyone tried online dating?
I travel constantly and feel like I'm only home on weekends....tough to meet anyone near me....
Any success? Waste of time?
I'm interested in getting away from years of JW women ;)
what if a person is thought to be possessed and nothing suspicious is found in their home, ie books, yard sale stuff, smurfs, etc..., will the elders perform an exorcism?
have any of you ever heard of a person getting exorcised?.
You would be lucky if they performed a shepherding call............
if you were a male growing up in the congregation, it was expected that you would "reach out" for a position in the hall.
some of us did just that and others didn't want any "privileges"!.
i knew some people, especially "sisters", that really wanted their relative or good friend to be appointed so they might "change things".
I served for 17 years; 11 of them as an elder.
I enjoy teaching.....and it showed. I was given all the big assignments, CA, Memorial, weddings, ....I even taught at the KM School for servants as a kid in his late 20's......
I miss teaching.... but I believe that is more of a personality 'thing'
Those that have served as elders have a VERY unique perspective on the religion. The hypocrisy (i.e. judicial meetings for drunks, when the majority of the elders are alcoholics)....the nepotism......and what really unnerved me for years: the gross lack of Bible knowledge or EVEN "organizational' knowledge among fellow elders that had people's LIVES in their hands. I came to realize I was one of the good, sincere ones......most were NOT.
I do not miss all the marriage mates who truly hate each other and refuse to have sex. I don't miss crying with a teenager when their heart is broken by a JC, I don't miss the Christianity ala Carte that JW's employee (we can DF for adultery, but not slander.....we can DF for smoking, while the elders wives drink themselves blind every weekend), I don't miss watching some CO misuse his power to affect other people's lives, then leave town.....
Those that have been elders and used extensively, have seen it all. It will destroy your own psyche.....and if you love your wife, it destroys her too.
There should be entire threads for the damage done to we morons that put our families and the women we love(d) through that insanity. And then you learn they could give a shite about you anyway......
Its really sick.....
i'm officially walking away from this religion.
even though it means i'll be on my own.
i don't really care anymore.
Mr. Freeze,
I understand. It was the gross lack of love and openly practiced corruption that made me walk away in 2009.....after 17 years as an elder.
The bottom line: they don't follow the Bible (John 13:34, 35) Its highly corrupt.
You will experience some tough emotions for a while...but it gets better.....I'm so glad to be through with all of it.