I had a prominent District Overseer tell me they end up in the garbage. He even did the whole 'crumple up and toss' motion while explaining it to me.
Don't bother. They don't care. Its a cult.
this is something i cannot find the answer to on my own.. who exactly answers your letter when you write the society?.
i thought maybe there has been a thread on this before or maybe one of your awesome researchers would know how to answer?.
I had a prominent District Overseer tell me they end up in the garbage. He even did the whole 'crumple up and toss' motion while explaining it to me.
Don't bother. They don't care. Its a cult.
dear randall.
good morning!.
here is the daniel of brazil (former bethel).. this week at the forum of former jehovah's witnesses had an interesting news!
You nailed the entire problem with JWs in a nutshell: the apostates no more about the religion than the JWs themselves. I have yet to meet ONE JW that can explain generations to me.......including elders.
Its all smoke, mirrors and fear.
jane doe v. watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc.. .
jury trial - june 14, 2012 - day 10. .
mr. schnack: ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the judge has instructed you that it is your choice to award or not to award punitive damages.
that is the EXACT same thing I was thinking. Like groveling scum.....but they will DF a minor for squeezing a boob.
JW's are evil.
this recent video has already appeared on a few threads, but i thought it deserved it's own.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob7vynx8evg.
This made my day.
a d.o.
said they are watching and directing the preaching work.. i thought it was more like watching who was having sex,(prono perverts).. -also they are useless and are very poor in governing.. -their directing the gb/fds is a farse..
So they are directing people to drive around in mini-vans from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. every Saturday.....with a half an hour stop at Starbucks to gossip about others in the congregation?
Sure they are.
And..... they are watching the overlappers..... the angels holding back those winds of destruction got a memo saying "oooops.....sorry, keep holding those winds.......we meant OVERLAPPERS".....
i had to start this thread in light of today's watchtower study.
in paragraph 14,15 they mention the grounds for separation.
no scriptures are sighted but i am well aware of the support they usually use.. i am so sick of the watchtower making crap up!
Matthew 15:9
It applies to everyone but them....
...just don't grow a beard
so i got into the nfl in the early/mid 90s.
back then there were some great running backs - happening onto a lions game late on sunday night over here and seeing barry sanders was what got me into it.
but it seems the running game is dead.
There is NOTHING I'm more passionate about in life than FOOTBALL. ITS LIFE!
Greatest thread in weeks.
NFL running backs....particularly the franchise 'feature' back began to decline in the late 90's and throughout the 2000's. There are a couple of factors that have contributed:
I think those three factors have played a huge role. Gone are the days of Earl Campbell, Barry Sanders, Emmitt Smith. The latest trends is to get a BIG tight end that can out run linebackers.
the letter leaked today on "confidentiality" had an infurating set of paragraphs on suicides, attempted suicides, and threatened suicides.
here is the excerpt.. suicides and attempted or threatened suicides.
20. at times, judicial committees may deal with someone who is so distraught that he attempts.
Yeah.....go out in service more. Pray. Go door to door. Study. Witness to others......rinse, repeat.
Its sort of like telling an Olympic sprinter with a blown knee to get up and run a little more. Run some wind sprints. Run some stairs. That blown knee will feel better in no time.
looks like it's fun.
there's a cool story in there about how a ministerial servant got deleted for playing violent video games, and then wrote to the branch office about it and told people in his congregation.
classy, guys, really classy.
That quote is so absurd. Anyone that allows another man to have ANY affect on his family, life, health, welfare, finances, etc......is a 'slave'.....ummmmm, that's what the Apostle Paul said, right?
I've NEVER seen an elder make a mistake that was 'minor'........when those idiots speak to publishers that believe they speak for God.....everything they do is a MAJOR life altering MESS!
just found out that the australian governong body member known as geoffrey jackson got engaged to a sister about two weeks ago.
it really shocked me at first but then i remembered how other members of the gb have remarried in the past like daniel sidlik.
what made me say "woah" was hearing that the holy bride to be is really young!
^^^^ LOL....great post.....I was roaring!!
Hey, she is in her 20/30's.....can't she be considered an 'overlapper?'
I'm having one of those days where I can't stop laughing at this cult.....I CANNOT believe I was ever an elder teaching at conventions.....embarrassing.....