Left in 2009 for good.
i am technically inactive.
i was just curious if there are many people on the inside.
are there any within bethel itself?
Left in 2009 for good.
i'm a bit excited about this to be honest with you.
i'm not even remotely a cycling fan, but all this controversy made it a bit difficult to simply ignore.
i'm curious to see how he does when those questions come at him full force.
I just wish it was Erin Andrews
he's not the only fool to learn that the person he thought was his girlfriend was in fact not real.
here to to manti, the poster child for good guys who got suckered,,,,,,
^^ He sure is James.......
I'm actually more shocked by the stupidity of Notre Dame and yesterday's press conference.
Do they not realize we all have Youtube, as well as thousand of other references, that will completely expose what this kid did?????
So weird!!!
to the household of god, israel, and those who go with... may you all have peace!.
i just wanted to share with you, briefly, what i have come to understand as to why disfellowshipping by the wtbts works... why it can continue being fomented as it is.
i realize there are pages and pages of studies regarding cults and cult mindsets, etc., but i am not going to inundate you with such but rather try to keep this simple.
Thank you for your honesty AGuest........and the clarification that you're a female.
With that said, I've served on hundreds.....mostly as the chairman..... I dealt with everything from rape, to smoking, to child abuse, to homosexuality.
With that much experience, I can tell you unequivocally that Disfellowshipping does not work, it has never worked, its insane and whatsmore..........its not remotely Biblical.
I now confess I didn't read your paragraphs of information because I don't have to. DFing is nothing more than a mechanism made by Knorr in 1942 in an effort to control people.
When you've served as an elder for many, many years and have been in a cramped room with broken hearted people.....then you can comment on this subject. Since you seem to pride yourself on being a 'christian woman'.....you might want to take the path of humility here...... its like telling people how you understand being an astronaut...... when you've never even watched 2001 Space Odyssey, much less been to space.
he's not the only fool to learn that the person he thought was his girlfriend was in fact not real.
here to to manti, the poster child for good guys who got suckered,,,,,,
A break?
go back and look at interview from September and October where he explains how they met on the campus of Stanford and she visited Hawaii.
This kid isn't innocent.
so i have another visit from the elder this week.
this time they want to speak with my wife, still a believer and myself.
i think they want to know my position about my children attending the meetings and some other things.. while preparing myself for it i though of a challenge for the elders and my wife.
What do I think?
I think you're wasting your time and causing yourself undue stress.
Why do you even let them in the door? You're in control......let me repeat that.....YOU are in control.
Tell them 'no' or better yet..... completely ignore them
to the household of god, israel, and those who go with... may you all have peace!.
i just wanted to share with you, briefly, what i have come to understand as to why disfellowshipping by the wtbts works... why it can continue being fomented as it is.
i realize there are pages and pages of studies regarding cults and cult mindsets, etc., but i am not going to inundate you with such but rather try to keep this simple.
Hey AGuest......have you ever served as a chairman of a judicial committee? Were you an elder at all?
were you a sought after associate?.
were you often invisible?.
did other witnesses view you as "exemplary"?.
I love these threads. Really makes it personal.
My story:
Youngest elder in the circuit at 27; I'm now 45. My last meeting was January 2009. Yes.....I was that 'hot shot' elder....the talented public speaker that made people cry and hug one another. I really cared. I love people and always fight for the underdog. I served as an elder for 11 years...and basically ran our congregation. I was the 'go to' guy all the teenager loved and respected. I had the 'privilege' of being used on District and Circuit talks....as well as an instructor at KM School for the elders.
Then hard times hit. My wife was bi-polar and basically....a whore. She kept sinning and sinning while everyone supported my son and I. Then it ran out........I stopped serving, every hall tried to get me to move into their KH for my return to elderhood. I went to two more congregation and was disgusted by everything. How unstudied the elders were.......how unkind. How most of them were drunks, along with their wives.....and how slander runs rampant.
So much more to tell. But now, I tell people I'm a very proud apostate. Some people cry....others look horrified.
I'm now divorced, a bachelor, my son isn't a JW........ and I can say with absolute honesty....I have never been happier in my life.
i was curious if anyone else has gone through a similar experience.. when i became inactive 4 years ago, i went through a period of not being able to focus on just about anything, other than doing tremendous amounts of research to prove to myself what my beliefs were, and to clearly identify my issues with the jw organization.
i was mad - and i was on a mission to build the ultimate case against the wt.
however, having read the fine advice on here, i backed off with my family, since it would have just gotten ugly.. i avoided posting on here for years, and had cut down my research and put it on the back burner.. however, i still felt a need to "witness" to my family and to have an open discussion with my wife.
That was genius!!!!!
are we bored with the wts now?
have we heard it all already?.
or is the wts just not printing "deep" articles anymore?
^^^ I agree.
Furthermore,....the WT always struggles when there isn't some terrible disaster or tragic war to feed off of...... without a third world war, they are lost......