Jehovah's Witnesses are a collection ground for people like these 'sisters.'
As an elder, nothing was more time consuming or brutal then dealing with all the petty fighting among 'women of god'
when i was first introduced to the "truth", i was so distracted by the love and affection that the members were showing me that i was ready to convert into the religion without thinking twice.
i was conviced that jws were god's people (i still think some of them are).
i made it my goal to get baptized as i wanted to be part of the "only" religion that produce such good people.
Jehovah's Witnesses are a collection ground for people like these 'sisters.'
As an elder, nothing was more time consuming or brutal then dealing with all the petty fighting among 'women of god'
good evening.
i have a question about where to send my disassociation letter.
do i give a copy to the overseer of the cong i was in and the branch?
Congratulations on breaking free from this cult.
I have a different view on letters..... but it sounds like you got some good advice here.
the wtbts/ org dictates to its subservient followers what constitutes a bible truth/principle and what does not.
example: it-1 p. 319 birthday - ".....there is no indication in the scriptures that faithful worshipers of jehovah ever indulged in the pagan practice of annually celebrating birthdays.
the bible makes direct reference to only two birthday celebrations, those of pharaoh of egypt and herod antipas.
I said the same in my blog. It's comical the level of hypocrisy they teach.
congregations get an annual letter that tells what can be ordered for literature (it's mainly a list of audio cds/dvds for the deaf), but this time it included publications that will be discontinued, and this included the isaiah's prophecy book and the reasoning book, and i think i saw the draw close to jehovah book.
i meant to take a picture of the letter but forgot.
the branch is only going to give what they have on stock, when that stock depletes that's it, you won't be able to order those publications anymore.. this is in canada so i don't know if this is worldwide..
If you didn't think it was possible.............they are dumbing everything down.
Gone are deep articles filled with anti-types, modern day applications, etc.......... Its just dumb, dumb, study required.
i don`t know if this has been addressed before , however it appears there is an inconsistency and a big one at that with the practice of shunning with jw`s.
elders / ministerial servants look out for the spiritual health of the congregation , and if they see something they feel is detrimental to the spiritual health of the congregation they are going to act to rectify it, .
they take appropiate action where they think is necessary .
He didn't even shun his OWN apostate people of Israel..
Comical how anyone can say shunning is taught in the Bible. Couldn't be easier to prove as a lie.
i took another look around the new website ( ).
first they have two properties listed here 124 columbia and 85 jay street.
these have to be worth a lot of money.
Apparently Jesus Christ is now directing his 'faithful slave' in major real estate transactions.
Seems reasonable.....Jesus recently directed his 'faithful slave' to be more involved with the Internet....they now have a really cool site if you haven't heard.
You have to be a really dumb person to believe this organization is run by God
half of our congregation goes there to work out because of the good pool facilities and prices, and the other half think that it's wrong due to it's old charter.
but no one is enforcing the wrong or right of it.
i'd be interested in knowing how this is being applied worldwide.
I wrote a blog that included the YMCA absurd:
this has been something that is bugging me lately-.
jehovah is all knowing.
he knows that to do away with evil, he has to do away with satan.
The same way he wants to make sure his name is held up against a bully (Satan), by allowing innocent people to be tortured, children beheaded, rampant disease, starving families, etc.
Makes sense, right?
Hey man, wouldn't you let you children be tortured to make sure the neighborhood 'knew your name?'
Stupidity doesn't cover it.
here is a great site in case anyone is interested in acquiring wt property in brooklyn heights.
Matt 8:20....."the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head"
...but he is directing a major real estate transaction.
LOL.............stuff like this shows how JW's are choosing ignorance.
after 1975, the vast majority remained as though nothing has happened.
but some left the organization.
however, there arose a third category who did not leave the organization, but brought a new view into their heart: jws are right in their core cause (gods kingdom as the solution to mankinds problems) but may or may not be right in their supplementary teachings, hence are not bothered about changes happening in this unimportant area..
Please help us understand WHY you stay connected to JW's, though disobedient in silence.
Seriously, what is the point???