No, I'm not just talking about the totalitarian regime that is the Organisation. I'm talking about how the JW's will fall, and how it links to North Korea.
Basically, last night I was watching a documentary on North Korea. A friend of mine has been to North Korea, and can confirm this to be true. North Koreans are increasingly able to get their hands on technology from the South and from China. Be it DVD's of TV shows, or mobile phones (you can in spots pickup phone signals from S. Korea/China), information from the outside world is flooding into North Korea. North Koreans are becoming conscious of how the outside world lives, especially through TV shows and films. The North Korean government is doing everything possible to prevent this flood of information, even imposing death sentences for those found to be in possession of 'propaganda', but the change is inevitable. North Korea keeps it's citizens in line by creating this bubble that North Korea is the world's most powerful nation, and they can maintain this image by blocking off the outside world. However, with this flood of information, eventually North Koreans will realise they've been lied to, that the North Korean government isn't this all powerful entity and that they can do better.
Aliken this to the Jdubs. In this world of technology, it's impossible for them to block out all forms of information. Afterall, I am 20, and by the age of 13-14 I had enough information (without even searching for it), to know that something was amiss with the JW's, especially when it came to things like science and politics (Evolution/The UN). We live in a world where technology and information is everywhere, I mean, everything. The JW's keep people in line by making out they, like Kim Jong-Un's government, are all powerful. With the flood of technology, it'll be increasingly easy for, especially young JW's, to get enough information to call out the BS.
Basically, just some thoughts I had. The JW's will fall the same way NK and other totalitarian regimes will...through the spread of technology.