I am so envious that youve seen it already!!! Rrrrr lol
In my area I have to wait till tomorrow night!!!!! Oh, well.
I just was talking to my father about your critique.
I told him how you said, the WT looked kinda pathetic wondering why she was suing them and not her father... so, it's okay that he molested her, and he was exhonerated by them, but don't sue us because we had his back... very pathetic.... and he laughed at them! We're like her father was not claiming to be THE MOUTH OF GOD, Protector of orphans and widows.
How about this her pervert father sues them because they were his spiritual and moral guilds who got in the way of him healing and becoming a good parent to his family!! Instead of helping him heal they enabled him to remain a pedophile and danger to his family and other peoples children.
The Watch Tower Bible And Tract Society is now being judged the same as they have judged other Religions all these decades. I wonder how it feels?? Now they are being scrutinized in the manor they exacted other Religions be examined.
I cannot believe I put my faith in them for almost 15 years.
Well I am recording it tomorrow so U.S. residences that missed it let me know!
Agape all,Utopian_Raindrops
Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 29 January 2003 23:52:3