You know when I was a JW one thing I was PROUDof was we were suposed to be FREE From SUPERSTION.
Instead there seems to be an UN-HEALTHY fear of anything that MIGHT be Demonic to the extreem!
There was this family at our old hall that were always seeing demonic things they claimed.
Once they said a clock they borrowed from worldly neighbors was dancing around thier house! Thier kids were afraid even if a bush swayed in a breeze! Thier youngest son would run screaming DEMONS!!!
Odd thing is they are the most respected fam in that cong. Now that I look back it doesn't surprise me that the husband was the elder on my judicial commity.
I actually feel sorry for them though and have even prayed for them sometimes.
The wife has a chemical embalance and grew up in an abusive can i resent know.
Back to subject......
POKEMON is considered a real Demonic show by alot of JW's and then I read an article in a Schoolastic mag that said the creator got the idea for them because he used to collect bugs as a child!! and POKEMON just means Pocket Monsters.
I had actually tried realy hard to avoid a harmless cartoon for years! I used to get so mad at Burger King cause they kept giving out POKEMON toys in thier kids meals. All the friends had told me to stay away from them and protect my kids.
I felt so STUPID when I read the interview with the creator that I decided to investigate on my own and not take others advice on what my kids should see or not see.
Besides some of the same people who gave me this advice about a simple cartoon let thier kids watch such ADULT movies made for older teens and grown ups.
I think it comes down to you have to use your brain God gave you and not let OTHERS control you!
Well bye bye 4 now