You are so right James!
I have an elder friend that I am sooooo worried of. Sometimes I think he will get introuble because he is so KIND to "The Flock"
He understands that a mistake is a mistake and when your crying and lamenting that your sorry and are already punishing yourself. He is known not to get into detail of sexual matter.....just asks...was it pornea and lets you answer what you wish. No presure.....if you are just so overwhelmed with guilt he has been known to say....Just don't do it again and keep this between me and you....with smoking he is like....get the patch and talk to me in a few weeks...he will check up on you though which I think is good.....still remember Jesus said not to tell anyone I healed you.....and look what happened!
He works hard for his family and tries to keep up with everyone in the congs problems....often giving jobs to single mom's and thier children and I am never sure if he and his wife can aford to pay us all!! They used to have a house and are now in an apartment.....a real nice apartment but, believe me way lower standard of living from when I met his family.
If the whole cong would pitch in and be like him there would be no is a wealthy area of my country.
You should see how tired and worried he looks some nights at meeting. Truthfully for all lost sheep...I hope he some how never leaves. But wish that many more like him would apear
I have read many of your posts James......and know how sorry you are for some things you were taught to do as an elder.......but at the same time I think you were you just tired out....and who can blame anyone.....trying to run around and fix the Pharesees damage!
Ty for litening.......
Utopian_Raindrops here
agape and bye bye