Thank You so much Joy for putting this thread together! It realy gives one alot to think about!
Still and all being a Christian of any kind is a restrictive life style. It is about being different from those not serving The Christ and His Father Our Creator and Putting On The New Personality. So many Christian Religions would have much of what is in your report and seem cult like.
What made me apreciate your report most though is your comments(thanks for your thoughts) and then the added posts of others on this forum.
Mebeme brought out how picky in your life you have to be as JW and I can tell you I have at times spent a good hour trying to find barrattes and other excessories that didn't have a pagen patternOr compleately censored my style of music....not based on content of lyrics but on music STYLE. Which should realy be a prefrence. We did not have beautiful windchimes and broke crosses off of chess pieces. We used to buy holiday candy after the fact...January sales....thought myself clever paying so much less....then the CO at Assembly gave a talk about this.....etc etc etc. It can be down right exhusting. The old swollowing a camel trick
refiners fire showing quotes from publications that even wanted you to not have business associates to keep in touch with.....I do trust Jehovah to provide ofcourse but, we are suposed to do the leg work! Still and all many Christian faiths give most of the advice he posted with on exception....You can not get disfellowshipped for not adhearing to what is your entertainment and as a JW you can!
Isn't that amazing.....if an elder aproches you and councels you on your entertainment and you do not change....he can say you have taken a bad attitude and out you go!
Isn't that more family and friends over maybe a comic or a rated R movie??
Maybe this doesn't happen often but that fact that it could and it has......
Well you be the judge.......what to think of that.
but I find it amazing that the Apostle's Paul and Barnabas could have an argument and nether of them removed but, If you disagree with an Elder.....You can and are removed.
That is that!
Thank-you Joy and everyone.......
I am still deciding what to do myself on this issue.
There is alot of soul searching going on here.......I am so very grateful for everyones help.
Flowers 2 all
Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 16 December 2002 2:47:42