Scully I sent this to the E-Watchemn he is in Canada. I hope he gets this on time.
I so hate this religion I could Puke.
Hope you are holding up at work.
I am calling New York Bethel every hour.
Pray as hard as I am sugar.
i'm at work right now and i have been asked to help.
a jw patient will probably die during surgery if she does not accept blood.
to the best of my knowledge the hlc is not aware of her presence in hospital, and her non-jw family wants to know what she can have.. how does the family get in touch with the hlc in the area?
Scully I sent this to the E-Watchemn he is in Canada. I hope he gets this on time.
I so hate this religion I could Puke.
Hope you are holding up at work.
I am calling New York Bethel every hour.
Pray as hard as I am sugar.
i'm at work right now and i have been asked to help.
a jw patient will probably die during surgery if she does not accept blood.
to the best of my knowledge the hlc is not aware of her presence in hospital, and her non-jw family wants to know what she can have.. how does the family get in touch with the hlc in the area?
Scully my daughter Cassandra Cain is now scanning and will post the medical directive from the state of Illinois real soon.
Hemopure as far as I know is a blood product from cows. This was aloud with a study but I have never heard it aloud with a baptized JW.
Still and all if it is worldly family they deciding and the patent is out cold then they can decide best to their knowledge. The patent should not be held accountable. So if the doctors will do go for the hemopure.
Truthfully EPO along with volume expanders such as simple saline solution should work with younger people. It is whether or not the veins and arteries collapse that counts with young persons. With young people EPO should speed up their bodies own system of making new blood cells and they should come out healthier then those who took whole blood.
I know this from operations of my WORLDLY (non- JW) Family who are into alternative medicines.
I so hate the loss of freedom of choice.
Well hope we have helped a nanosecond if not even less.
U_R...I am so sad of the faith I have addopted for so many years
we have noticed more and more that our middle son is stealing.
it was just little things before.
but the other day we found a $50 note in their room.
Rolf!! Sorry Kelp didnt know he was only 8!
I am so wicked!!
Well, my brother was a klepto at a real young age like that Used to steal from everyones piggy banks for candy money..the junky!!!
For everything you find he has stolen.take it away and then find something else of HIS that goes to the person he stole from. Even if they dont really want what is his what is important is HE loves the item.
Then he will understand paying back and LOSS of ones own things.
It was the 70s when my Bro was a Klepto though and he got an old fashioned spanking every time. He says that was the key but, I dislike spankings.
The paying with what an item he loves is what I used on my middle daughter when she took things of her cousins.
See if that helps if you chose this method. Worked for my daughter but, girls and boys are different.
I hope I helped even just a tiny bit. Kelp.
Stillmore for you.
we have noticed more and more that our middle son is stealing.
it was just little things before.
but the other day we found a $50 note in their room.
How old is the boy?
My parents raised my cousin and in High School he used to get high a lot.(hehe figures HIGH Schoolok Im not funny)
Anyway, the Dean and my parents got together and made a pact with the police.
It was all set.
My cuz always had paraphernalia in his locker. So they called him down to the office for just a pipe and had him sit in the Deans office and wait for the cops...who then took him off in cuffs and then from there allowed him his one call..which forced him to call his Tio my Dad who had to come on down and since this was prearranged my Dad pretended to pay a bail.
My cuz was made to pay my Dad off with manual labor by building sea walls all summer long!!!
He never found out it was a set up till he was like 25!!! Still and all it worked!
I dont know maybe you could get some help from school councilors like that.
It scares the pants off of them being dragged in by police like that.
Maybe seems drastic but, he would have been a burn out like all his friends are today if not for that charade.
So I think it was worth it.
Let me know what you decide cause I am a mama of 3 and anything that works I take note of.
Ciao 4 now!
Para ti Bonita Kelpie.....
the other day a foster mom asked if she could talk to me for a moment.
it seems a little boy i become more than close to here at the school will be up for adoption very soon, as his parents will not be allowed to have contact with him after years worth of thier case being reviewed due to child abuse and neglect.
she asked me if i would like to raise him and adopt him as my own.
Mr. Moe,
Since all people are different and react differently to situations I will not say I know how you feel but I will tell you I can relate.
My children have an Aunt who became Pregnant as a young teen. The girl was nowhere near ready to raise a child and so from 2 weeks after the birth of her baby daughter till this little angel was 3 I raised her. Gave her all the love I gave my own 2 daughters. Set up her room and with her little things...her little books. I had miscarried before so this little girl made my house feel complete in a sense. The time she spent with me was one of the most precious gifts I could have been given. I knew one day my then sister in law would come not only for a visit but, to take her away. Still I gave her all the love a mother could give. I loved how shed sit in my lap or grab my hand to pull me to see some little wonder that caught her eye. She used to call me Auntie Mama since I would always remind her who her mother was. We kept a picture of her mother on the piano so when I was giving her lessons she could see her beautiful mother. This child was a treasure to me as valuable as my own.
Still one day my sister in law did grow up and get a place of her own and started a life in another state. So of course she came for my little treasure who was really only mine to borrow.
When they moved they left behind a stuffed toy kitten and one storybook. I still have them.
Mr.Moe from what you shared with us you have helped comfort this little boy and make an adjustment in his life during something no child should ever have to go through. That was a wonderful gift you gave him and he will never forget you.
Maybe some how you can keep in touch with him and be his special friend and mentor. I think that would be a real treasure for you both.
Thank-you so much for sharing. You truly touched my heart.
Para ti....
we have all sat at jw meetings and heard some ridiculous statements that were either shocking or just plain old bunk.
usually it is the same jw individuals that make those statements time and time again.
you know the type..... you can almost expect such comments from them.. jws place great importance on what statements or persons are 'stage worthy'.
One year it seemed a battle The Elders and some sisters were having about wearing make-up.
Some husbands had been commanding their wives not to wear make-up and they refused to comply.
It became a matter of several local needs talks as well as slipped into a few talks about having respect for the headship Principle!
At the time I wondered what the criky was going on?!?! So I asked an Old Time Pioneer who told me. Cracked me up years later when the info came on out make-up being ok and that even the name of Jobs daughter Keren-happuch s was the container of the eyeliner used at the time.
Other stupid stuff said from the podium (I mean platform) was about animals. We lived on a large piece of land when I was a kid and we had horses, cows, chickens, rabbits, Owls, a hawk, raccoons, 35 or so add cats, I bred get the point. Anyway on many occasions they will speak of how animals are not conscience of themselves and believe me they are!! If you become really involved with them they learn so much right down to favorite feeding dish. Even if you clean all the dishes for instance the dog may always go for the green one and never the blue. Wont touch food in itknock it over etc? Once the brother was saying how animals couldnt feel guilt or remorse over doing wrong as we can. Have you ever seen a dog that just got into the garbage?? Or did a doodle on your kitchen floor? Maybe chewed up your morning paper? Had a horse throw me once. She was quite a personality 1 st I fell underneath her and she could have stomped on my face as my head was just underneath her right front hoof! She went through contortions to avoid me almost fell herself! Then she followed me around for days and this ornery critter that always was nipping me and giving me trouble was the nicest mildest thing. Cant tell me she didnt feel guilty! Not just from the platform but, in the mags I have read one wrong thing after another about animals and their behavior or personalities and were supposed to take it as fact! Animals are amazing and have a wide range of personalities and inelegances.
Anyway those are my 2 main ones. I know I hear other things just these are what stuck.
Ciao 4 now,
Utopian_Raindrops, of the "Talks To Animals Class"
Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 9 January 2003 14:47:38
Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 9 January 2003 14:48:25
a sister arrives home early to find her husband in bed having sex with a woman unknown to her.
the sister, although lacking any evidence, reports the matter to the elders, who confront the husband.
the husband denies any fornication.
Cat got your tongue giz?
a sister arrives home early to find her husband in bed having sex with a woman unknown to her.
the sister, although lacking any evidence, reports the matter to the elders, who confront the husband.
the husband denies any fornication.
By the way as you ALREADY are ABSOLUTLEY RIGHT!
It is all about not getting sued! Plane and simple.
I had an Old Pioneer brother tell me the Society was getting a lot of law suits an they could not diss or discipline a pedophile based on one childs testimony. If they did the Perv could turn around and SUE the WTBS for defamation of character! Now you wouldnt want that would we!!
Back then he told me if another child came forward they could take action and the police do the same thing if there is no physical evidence.
I also think and so does anyone I speak with about this as you do, I'm becoming increasingly convinced that there are child-molesters in the Watchtower leadership who will be in deep doo-doo should they stop punishing people who report molesters. I can see no other logical reason
This is a fact! Why else as you say? They are intoxicated with power and Pedophilia is a power crime! I am hoping they get reveled soon. But in the mean time we have to wait. The only hope is if there is more then one victim to come forward about this crime being done to them by GB members (member). Of course that wont help the R & F, as they will just take it as persecution. To really help everyone someone from the inside close to GB members who could some how get a confession or witnessed this fact! That would help actually bring them down!
On that day we can all through a Luau my friends!!
My 2 refunds
ciao 4 now,
a sister arrives home early to find her husband in bed having sex with a woman unknown to her.
the sister, although lacking any evidence, reports the matter to the elders, who confront the husband.
the husband denies any fornication.
When youre a Dub to get justice from the elders you have to be educated like a lawyer or at least have the research skills of a paralegal.
I was in a very destructive marriage for many years because of WT policy. Then the WT received so many lawsuits from battered wives that they changed policy quietly.
I remarried for a short time to a brother. He thought he knew WT policy and could do as he pleased. He threatened my children and disrespected me.
I was married to him longer then I would have liked but with A LOT of research I found the information I needed to protect my children and me. Still and all my ex wrote the letter and not me because MY elders required one from him. (More evidence that they do as they please) If he had not written it though or if they choose not to be satisfied with his letter (as he did not put the details they asked for the pervs) I was prepared with and article that stated I could write a letter of HIS confession to me. This was not even about actually viewing the sin. So eyewitness account should be even more admissible!
Of course you CAN e-mail me and I found my WT cd and am starting my search ASP!
I hope your friend can receive justice soon.
Hey, maybe we should start a Theocratic Legal Services for down trodden JWs.
Hmmm: Unfortunately I am not seeing a Spanish matador Named Fernando. When I was a little girl I had a big crush on an OLDER boy named Fernando. I still have pics of him, all the kids and me from the neighborhood. He was a hottie!
Well Ciao 4 Now!
Utopian_Raindrops .
(dominant extrovert concrete feeler ).
Ok....I'm a bit wierd I know. LOL
GURU (Submissive Extrovert Abstract Feeler )
Utopian_Raindrops | Like just 12% of the population you are a GURU (SEAF)--kind, knowing, giving. Like Buddha of old, you can be a persuasive speaker, and you use your creative talents to further the objectives of your heart instead of your mind. But be careful that your friends don't take advantage of your relaxed nature, that's what happened to Jesus. Above all, you like going with the flow. And there is probably nothing in the world you haven't smoked. That's cool. Oh yeah, you like to talk a lot. That's cool, too. Whatever. |