I love that you brought this out! For a reason different then you would think though.
My Mothers Anglo father was born in 1890 and raised a Methodist.
Their form of worship was considered very METHODICAL. As was quoted,
These locusts always hopped straight ahead, deviating neither to the right nor left,
Methodists were so different from others that my mothers Methodist Father was always arguing with his Lutheran wife!
His wife always wanted to partake of the Sacrament once a week and he insisted once a year!
He did not like Easter but preferred only The Memorial observance.
Since he was born in 1890 he must have gone through quite the culture shock!
My mother was not allowed to cut her hair, wear deodorant, shave her legs, play cards, watch movies as they were from the devil, etc. etc.
He did not even like her Perry Como records!!!
When I became a JW my mother became very resentful and would tell me I was just like her father!
Since the JWs have become those same said Locusts this would explain a lot.
Although The So Called New Light Says being one of these Locusts is a good thing Id say The Old Light was right on the money!
Thanks for sharing this!
Im going to read it to my mom!