Gumby you said, That is a lovely thought this man has......god is going to kill millions of people who are still in Organized religion.......even though they are sincere good people........and he is going to save the elect few who were smart enough to leave the churches
I probably should have elaborated more and although I do not know where this man got his teachings. He did not believe anyone would die at Armageddon.
He said those save would inherit the Kingdomsince you pointed out Revelation he is probably referring to the 144,000 ruling as Kings. Although he did not seem to have an exact number of how many saved. They were to be and are now The Foundation Of The Body Of Christs Church.
I dont know all his beliefs but the rest of the people would be in a learning state. I cant say what he believed after that as all I was doing was trying to get him to be interested in a tract I was offering.
His beliefs were more along the lines that God is a teacher not a destroyer.
Maybe I will meet him again. It sounds interesting to me.
Thankz for the reply.
Ciao 4 now,