thank you Heaven.
If I see another one call I will call someone to get him help.
I thought it was cute too,..until it hissed, but I knew it was afraid.
Mine looked more like this.
i just have to share this because it has entered my mind every day for nearly a month.. on the way back to my car, there was a bat on the ground.
i stopped to get a closer look.
it turned it's head looked up at me and hissed.
thank you Heaven.
If I see another one call I will call someone to get him help.
I thought it was cute too,..until it hissed, but I knew it was afraid.
Mine looked more like this.
i just have to share this because it has entered my mind every day for nearly a month.. on the way back to my car, there was a bat on the ground.
i stopped to get a closer look.
it turned it's head looked up at me and hissed.
I just have to share this because it has entered my mind every day for nearly a month.
On the way back to my car, there was a bat on the ground. I stopped to get a closer look. It turned it's head looked up at me and hissed. I walked on. The next morning, on my way into the office, again, I looked down and the bat was still there. I thought it might be dead. I stopped and touch him with the tip of my shoe. It turned and looked at me and hissed. I went into the building and mentiioned to the owner of the Cafe on the first floor about the bat. He acted horrified and said, something about having to kill one he found in the basement of the building. I was horrified at his actions and words....., I'm thinking a kitten with wings and he's thinking the devil.....I went on to my office.
On the way to my car that afternoon, the bat was there but dead. Very dead, and a big rock was near by.
The next morning the bat was shoved up against the building and was much smaller than before. The following day he was gone.
Should I have called animal shelter the first day I saw him?
The Cafe owner acted like he was a big bug, that could be stepped on.
I've been thinking of a way to change the way I enter the building so I don't have to walk by that spot. i don't know why it is still bothering me so much.
lisa the kid's playground swings.
i hate the monkey bars since my feet drag on the ground!.
april fools!!!!!!!!!
i thought you meant dancing.
I thought is was going to be about porch swings.
Now, I feel old and boring.
brothers and sisters.
please take your seats.
the 2010 district convention of jehovahs witnesses is about to begin.
eheheh...he said doodie..
sorry that's what it made me think of..
thanks for the laugh..and for sharing.
for me, it was always the theocratic ministry school/field service meeting.. strangely, i never minded giving talks, because i always wanted to perform and have virtually no stage fright.
but, listening to some of the deadly dull talks used to make me look at the clock a lot.
i always felt sorry for some poor slob who had to give his first bible reading on something like job's daughters raping him after getting him drunk.. i swear i think our school overseer did it on purpose because he was a mean sob.. and, i hated field slavery as my parents became witnesses when i was about 12, never did get a good attitude about it.
Thursday night meeting was the worst for me.., get home from school, clean house, start dinner, two freaking hours of boredum and knowing you will be beat if you fall asleep (oh, and we were the first there and last to leave family)....., then do homework and be able to get up and go to school the next morning.
it's still dark in alabama.. all is quiet on the southern front.. how about where you are?.
awake, had two cups of coffee...watching the cats run back and forth and let the dog out once. Waiting for daylight so I can officially start my day.
come on sunshine
what do you think of this kid?.
This was so cute...and I needed the smile this morning.
I also posted it on my face book page.
Thank you again...hehehe.
one year in jail for metro vancouver man who circumcised son at homeby andrea woo, vancouver sunmarch 25, 2010comments (46)metro vancouver -- a metro vancouver man who circumcised his four-year-old son at home with a razor blade and blood coagulant meant for horses has been sentenced to one year in jail followed by two years probation.
in april 2007, the man, identified only as djw due to a publication ban, gave his son, dj, honey wine before placing him on garbage bags on the kitchen floor.
djw then cut away the boy's foreskin with a razor blade.. .
what a sicko. I hope his wife left him and took the boy.
what do you think of this kid?.
He's adorable...I want him!
thanks for sharing.
how to tell if someone is an atheist:.