I made the list..woohoo.
JoinedPosts by lisavegas420
Website with known apostates listed
by besty inhilarious - made my day.
who could forget senior pu?.
This is my first time. Please be patient.
by Miss.Fit ini have never posted before.
i have been lurking for a few days and have decided to give it a try.
the subject of child abuse caught my eye.
I am so very sorry you and your sisters had to suffer such horrible things.
During Your IN Years If You Had Anointed At Your Hall, What Were They Like?
by LoisLane looking for Superman inthe scoop of humanity at one khall, the anointed ones" were a mixed group.. one bro, h. had been in for eons.
he was df for adultery, back in the day when they would announce your sin openly from the platform to everyone.
he just kept on coming and partaking until he was reinstated.
I remember one man that claimed to be annointed. He never gave any talks, he never held any positions nor did he ever go out in field service. One day he quit coming to the meetings. Never did get an answer as to why that was. So many unanswered questions.
should I stay or should I go?
by Crazyguy ini haven't had my dc yet and after reading about what's being said on saturday i was thinking about not going in protest as they are not being christ like.
will this be a good technique for my kids or should i go and endure the crap and then say a few things to my children while they're listening to this garbage?.
Do something fun with the kids, take lots of pictures so they will have fond memories of their summer vacation.
Another Newbie
by Skinnedsheep ini recently came to the realization that the organization is corrupt and is false.
my story is similar to many i think.
i was raised in the religion, pioneered and served as an elder for a number of years.
You said you stepped down because you couldn't teach something that was false.
Was there a particular teaching that pushed you to step down?
Welcome. -
Do you feel guilty?
by new hope and happiness ini have recently been having a feeling of guilt for having escaped the w.t while so many friends and family remain trapped.. has anyone else ever had similar feelings?.
The only ones I know that are still in, are my parents & bio sister. Both of my bio-brothers are out, but I have been so effectively demonized in their eyes that they still will have no contact w/me.
Raised in, baptized at 14. Left at 24. I don't know if I'm df'd, but have been shunned by them. ^I have been out for 25 yrs. Two grown children, three grandchildren. Married for 20yrs. Lived in the same house, work at the same job, same phone number last 15yrs. I've been out longer than when I was in.
Because of the cult's made up rules......... I have not had any contact with my family.
I don't feel guilty, I feel angerat my family for being so blind. I feel anger that they would trust the faceless org. that has done nothing for them but not their own flesh and blood.
stupid stupid people.
I tell you what. more people should listen to me. <I was j/k about this last part. -
So, my husband would not even meet the elders who just happened to drop by this morning.
by Julia Orwell inhe stayed inside and kept going about his business like they weren't even there.
i engaged them on the verandah hut politely explained that they'd caught us at a bad time as we were doing a big cleanup of the house.
the elders had even bought a pack of chocolate cookies around, so they were expecting to be invited in and offered coffee.
I've been out so long now that it just seems so weird.
No other "organzation" that I can think of would send the bigwigs to your house to hound you about leaving.
If I belonged to any other "group" and I quit attending their "meetings" they wouldn't shun me or stop being my friend.
Thank goodness the Watchtower hasn't set up an autowithdrawal from the rank and files checking accounts. I don't even want to imagine the hoops you would have to jump though to have it stopped.
Also..why don't JW's seem to stay in contact with each other when they change congrations? We moved several times growing up, new congo, new people, and the others seemed to be forgotten about unless we happened to run into them at an assembly. When we move across states, we never saw or heard from then again. -
... you have a PM
by Simon inplease don't make posts to inform people that you have sent them a pm..
Simon, after you fix the PM's can you fix chat?
waves to the oldtimers that remember chat. -
missing the JWD glory days
by fresh prince of ohio indon't get me wrong, this forum currently has plenty of interesting discussions and posters, but, for those of you who weren't on the old jwd board in the early-to-mid-00s, man...i'm sorry but you really missed out on the glory years of this forum.
it was really a special, unique place then.
again, not dissing the current, but, that huge exciting wave of ex-jw internet activity that occurred in the early part of this century seems to have leveled off.
Find some of your favorite threads and bump them to the top.
I remember, back in the day....Those were the days my friend,..... -
Cherrypicking scriptures to suit your own silly ideas!
by punkofnice incherrypicking individual verses out of context from scripture to fit our own theorums.. i randomly used 3 scriptures and stitched them together watchtower(r) style for a joke and to prove a point.. nb.
this is under the jokes section so don't take it seriously .
matthew 23:23 then jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples:2 the teachers of the law and the pharisees sit in moses seat.. evidently this is a very old seat and probably needs a new cushion by now.
This thread reminded me of this meme