Okay mister apostate! Yes I said apostate, take your hate mongering some place else. You have chased Satan until he finally caught you, have a nice life of debauchery enjoy while you can, Jehovah's day is coming quickly and those not serving him will be destroyed. I got news for you buddy you are in the cult, look at the ugly so called art that you have scared your body with, it shows that you have no respect for yourself or anyone else. Moral obligation Ha! You wouldn't know anything about being moral young man. You are an idiot one of Satan's Hench men, Heather and you make a good pair, so long fella.
Wow...how heart breaking. How could a relative say something like that someone else. I could see djeggnog sending a letter exactly like this. It's so sad, really. But today...it's making me angry only!