My name is Kevin and I am Jon's partner. Jon gave me his password a few weeks ago and asked me to post to the board if something happened to him. As some of you know Jon had been undergoing cancer treatment since the end of July. I wanted to let you all know that Jon passed away this morning after suffering a seizure at the hospital. It was very fast and the Dr's assured me very painless. He left this world holding my hand and one of the last things he said to me was that he loved me. He made me promise that I would not have a funeral for him and would have him cremated as quickly as possible and I am honoring that request. I have not yet notified Jon's father for fear of the legal issues he may raise. I'm not sure if that is the correct thing to do but I promised Jon that I wouldn't, so I have decided to honor that promise. Jon gave me full legal rights to make health and financial decisions on his behalf but he was afraid that his father would try something so I will wait a few days to call him. I wanted all of you who have corresponded with Jon via email and phone over the last several weeks to know that you all did him a world of good. He was the bravest person I will ever know, and I'm not sure how I'm going to survive this but I will. Jon was such an athiest and that was about the only thing we ever argued about. We were talking a few weeks ago and he told me that if he passed he would let me know if he was right or wrong about whether or not God exists. He joked and said that the next time John Edwards was on TV he would break in with a message for me. He was such a beautiful person and he had the most wicked sense of humor I've ever seen. Jon's taught me alot about the Jehovah Witness religion and about what he went thru because of it. I want to thank all of you that helped him deal with it even more through this website. Jon has several emails that he did not get to return and I will answer those for him as soon as I can deal with it.
Thank you,