Being of course, the usual state of things here. What's surprising is that they (the lost) think that pulling scriptures out of context, isolating Mosaic Laws mean't for one purpose and one time, is somehow refuting scripture.
They like to ignore the fact that Jesus is the revealed Yahweh and He sets the mark, not any organisation nor any pious individual. We relate scripture to Him and we interpret scripture by His life amongst mankind. The Law brought about the messiah, it showed 'types' of Christ in many facets, various sacrifices picture Christ. The Law's purpose was that of a tool that made man aware of his own depravity.
Christianity is based on the LIFE, death and RESURRECTION of Christ. You can take it all as literal or practically none of it as literal (Indeed this is proven, all variations of this can be seen in protestantism, yet the simple way to salvation is almost universal!), yet if your believe on Jesus, repent of your sins and accept Him in grace through faith, then you are sealed and bound for glory.
What other brand of faith has such a huge amount of historical evidence and such a wide variation of beliefs in the gray areas?
There are so many different Christian churches that are offered from literal fundamentalism to non-literal, liberal methodism, there are Calvinists and Arminians, in eschatology there are premillenialists, panmillenialists and preterists yet the essentials of the deity of Christ, the immortal soul and the separation of wicked (even with eventual anhilation or 'soul sleep') from heaven are a foundation of all groups who are not cults. All can relate, all can argue, yet all agree on the way to heaven as taught in scripture (John 14.6). Some contend that the verses, 'I have sheep not of this fold' and 'those who have no law are a law unto themselves' refers to those who are accepting of Christ's commands yet never know Him by that name!
What do the 'lost' have to offer? I see it as a six foot hole.
Too bad they forget the wager.
Where is your altruistic and purposeful human goverment, have any of them really worked (in the long run) to benefit mankind? NO
Does communism work for the benefit of mankind? NO. How many millions died and still die under this hegemony?
Does capitalism and free trade work for the benefit of mankind? NO
Will the almighty dollar bring you peace and security? NO
Oh, then there's science, reputable science that is, that ever changing, new light, chaotic jumble of fact and fiction made into a world-view just as mythical as it claims religion is!
Where is your great, reputable science and why does it find itself faced with several question for every answer they (think) they find?
Oh yes, science has advanced the methods of death and destruction to unparalelled heights! Let's not forget that!
Mankind without God is on a highway to hell and like it or not, the Bible is the 'wager of Pascal' and even with its alleged warts, its the most likely inspired source of God's revealed will and purpose for mankind.
Atheists and athettes, always trumpet their superior 'intellect and ethics' while supporting things like abortion (baby murder), the holy right to spread STDs like AIDS and hepatitus (of several types) just for their own selfish, destructive lifestyles, Christian bashing, the rights of criminals over the rights of victims, (white) man hating, animals are our cousins...... and the list goes on and on.
They insist on the right to live without God, then, when things blow up and fall apart around them they blame God for their own free will choices! What a galling bit of arrogance and hypocrisy!
Guess what, America (and maybe Europe) are waking up to the lies of the liberal/no God agenda and that agenda is now becoming politically incorrect! People are seriously rethinking their lives and the road they are traveling is being recognized as quicksand.
No 'facts' really exist, Alan. There are conclusions and there are illusions, their is my world-view and your world view and each of us can come up with valid evidence for our assertions but none are absolutely provable. ALL of us are dependent on others for knowledge and we all stand on the backs of giants.
All your world-view offers you is a pointless life and a soon forgotten death. Yet you choose that instead of eternity.
This is like 'shooting fish in a barrel', eh Julie?(!)