This is a hard one to try in 100 words or less but here goes.
Dear Sirs,
I once hated you for convincing my mother that it was more righteous for her to die and leave me behind, than to accept a blood transfusion.
I once hated you for convincing me that I was a worthless, evil, demon possesed teenager because of my sexual orientation.
I once hated you for convincing my father, stepmother, siblings, friends and any witness worldwide to avoid me like the plague when I decided that I could no longer live by your rules.
I once hated you for convincing me that the world was an evil, empty and lonely place, and then throwing me into it cut off and utterly alone.
I once hated you for the years I spent contemplating killing myself because I knew that I could never be the person you kept trying to convince me I should be.
Finally, I once hated you for lying to me and everyone I loved by telling us your were THE only way to salvation.
I no longer hate you. I have long since forgiven you. Not for You, but for myself. Because I finally realized after much soul searching that my hatred for you was only hurting me. YOU never really loved me. YOU never really cared about my life, or the lives of the ones that I loved. YOU only cared that I was no longer a faithful little lamb eagerly willing to follow your lead. And in closing I would like to THANK YOU, for finally making those facts totally and utterly clear to me.
(Winston, sorry I couldn't keep it under 100 words.)