There is one major differance between men who raise children as their own knowing they are not, and a 14 year old girl giving birth. The men don't have to worry about dying from it. The toll that pregnancy and childbirth inflicts on a woman physically and emotionally is tremendous. Imagine what that would do to a 14 year old child. I also don't believe in abortion for conveniences sake. I don't know anyone that does. But as a man I believe it is not my place to assume I know better than the woman affected, what the right course of action for her should be.
As far as capital punishment is concerned I'm sure you won't be suprised to know that I am mostly against it. I don't see how we can teach children that killing is wrong, by killing. I also believe that spending the rest of your life behind bars is a much more stringent punishment then simply being put to sleep.
I'll be very honest with you Rex. Most of the people I know and associate with on a regular basis are Christians. My partner is Catholic, even though the very church he believes in condems him to hell, but that's a totaly different subject and I'm not going there. I would say approx. 80 percent of the people I know are pro choice, 50 percent are anti death penalty and 20-30 percent support animal rights. I personally have made snide comments to women wearing fur coats in the past myself.(when I was a young silly man) Not strangers on the street but to people I consider to be friends. The only distinction that I make as far as animals are concerned is that I do feel it's wrong to kill an animal simply for it's fur. I find it gross to wear a dead animal on my back, that was killed just because it was pretty. That may be simplistic, but that's how I feel. I can't catagorize peoples political views based on their religious views. Everytime I do, I meet someone like myself who doesn't fit into that mold.
Believe me Rex when I tell you that I have thouroghly examined my belief system in the last few months. Mabey it's because I'm dying, mabey it's because I've matured as a human being. I don't know the reason. I have concluded that my belief system is what carries me through each day, and in the end, that's all that matters. I'm sure you can understand that.
Peace and love to you and yours,
BTW if I sounded mad in my last post I kinda was. I've since taken several deep breaths and am no longer angry. If the anger in my last post caused you hurt, I apologize.