when i was a boy, we were evacuated from our home because of a train crash and the chemicals that were released.
we stayed at the toronto assembly hall, i met the chap who wrote a lot of the kingdom melodies. he was a nice man.
some examples of his work:.
when i was a boy, we were evacuated from our home because of a train crash and the chemicals that were released.
we stayed at the toronto assembly hall, i met the chap who wrote a lot of the kingdom melodies. he was a nice man.
there is an evolution question bubbling up down the threads a little way, and it minded me to try to really get to the nub of the opposition to the technique.. i would like to pose very serious questions, and i hope they attracts serious, considered responses - once and for all.. why is it impossible, in the minds of anti-evolutionists, that god did indeed create us, the earth, the sun, and everything around us including the entire physical universe, and that evolution was his technique; evolution as a divine technique?
how do you know, how are you so certain that's not the case?
how would you explain your opposition to god if he told you personally that, yep, that's the way he did it alright?.
i forgot to mention.
i hope people will care what i think because despite being dyslexic, and virtually self educating myself, i am a very clever man.
there is an evolution question bubbling up down the threads a little way, and it minded me to try to really get to the nub of the opposition to the technique.. i would like to pose very serious questions, and i hope they attracts serious, considered responses - once and for all.. why is it impossible, in the minds of anti-evolutionists, that god did indeed create us, the earth, the sun, and everything around us including the entire physical universe, and that evolution was his technique; evolution as a divine technique?
how do you know, how are you so certain that's not the case?
how would you explain your opposition to god if he told you personally that, yep, that's the way he did it alright?.
your belief is just that, a belief. as with so many beliefs it may prove false. if creation is true it will be proven to be so.
i have said this before, but allow me to ask why a theory that allows for the eventual evolution of super intellegent creatures forbids them creating a new life.
finally whether youve addressed it or not evolution has holes i could drive through in it.
there is an evolution question bubbling up down the threads a little way, and it minded me to try to really get to the nub of the opposition to the technique.. i would like to pose very serious questions, and i hope they attracts serious, considered responses - once and for all.. why is it impossible, in the minds of anti-evolutionists, that god did indeed create us, the earth, the sun, and everything around us including the entire physical universe, and that evolution was his technique; evolution as a divine technique?
how do you know, how are you so certain that's not the case?
how would you explain your opposition to god if he told you personally that, yep, that's the way he did it alright?.
your post is biased. a reasonable person only wants proof. evolution does not provide this.
IT IS A THEORY i cannot reconcile evolution with creation, by its nature its is then not created, it is evoloved.
i think a better question is why evolutionists cannot allow the possibility of god.
please look up the following site and give me your opinion.
whoa i missed a good battle allright.. imho, .
america is vain, shallow, selfish, devious, unfeeling, a bit racist and would put a mcdonalds on the top of mt mckinley.
they tend too ignore others sensativities, are meanspirited, they insist on donating money (all the money) to irish terrorists and i dont like their clothes when they come on holiday.. however,.
Whoa i missed a good battle allright.
america is vain, shallow, selfish, devious, unfeeling, a bit racist and would put a mcdonalds on the top of mt mckinley. they tend too ignore others sensativities, are meanspirited, they insist on donating money (all the money) to irish terrorists and i dont like their clothes when they come on holiday.
they are nice lovely people, they care about the eviorment, they are honest, compasionate, and love divesity so much they take in nearly a million people a year from around the world.
they donate massive amounts to countries who hate them when in need and are trying to stop terror groups collecting money over there as best they can. they have great parks, (compare american niagra to canadian niagra) love freedom, and id give a kidney to be one of them, even if i had to were your clothes.
IN SHORT As Maximus said in "Gladiator" " America is the light."
despite thier faults.
happy 4th boys and girls
this past weekend i was watching a movie entitled "blown away.
" basically it's about a renegade ira bomber seeking revenge on a former compatriot who's fled to the us.
with relative ease, the "mad bomber" proceeds to blow up several people and sites in the city of boston.
following the good friday agreement the ira suspended its activities in the mainland. they continue to rearm, and murder in northern ireland. they are involved with both etta (the spanish terrorists, and the cumombian terrorists.
the "continuity" ira, a breakaway faxtion still attemps regular murder bids, thanks to good info they have been mostly stymied. of course they did murder dozens in omagh.
as to why they dont behave in the way palastinian terrorists do. they would lose there massive funding from irish americans if they were seen as monsters. finally they are to cowardly to give thier lives to thier cause.
hope this helps
my name is walt collins, i'm a 23 guy in melbourne, australia, migrated from the uk 4 years ago.. i've been going through some pain lately, my mother (still in the .
uk) and i have really had a rough period and she's decided to put .
her religion before me and after many heated conversations, we are now no longer in contact.. .
dear europe
to clarify,
some of "us" are educated enough to know better. your rigid judgemental attitude to what you consider the "proper" opinion here betrays a more serious ignorance.
only myself and another mentioned our opinion of homosexuality, both were non-judgemental and freindly.
and please dont get started on the nature/nurture debate. i tend to beleive it is in the genes, like those with a propensity for violence, and crime. youll notice that i dont "approve" of them either.
if you mention this subject on a religious site its to be expected that youll get that kind of response. all you can expect is that the posters will realize that they are no better than walt, and certainly in no position to judge him.
perhaps you would like to blame the bible as it does judge us all . not suprisingly we all fall short
Edited by - josephus on 30 June 2002 16:25:30
my name is walt collins, i'm a 23 guy in melbourne, australia, migrated from the uk 4 years ago.. i've been going through some pain lately, my mother (still in the .
uk) and i have really had a rough period and she's decided to put .
her religion before me and after many heated conversations, we are now no longer in contact.. .
WAIT A MINUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jws tend to hate being told off. she will read the replies, take them to her elders who will at once tell her you are talking with apostates and she must avoid discussion with you for the sake of her spiritual wellbeing.
instead perhaps you could phrase it as if the info came from an active jw you work with. this way shell be slightly more receptive to the ideas therein.
good luck
my name is walt collins, i'm a 23 guy in melbourne, australia, migrated from the uk 4 years ago.. i've been going through some pain lately, my mother (still in the .
uk) and i have really had a rough period and she's decided to put .
her religion before me and after many heated conversations, we are now no longer in contact.. .
thank you walt.
i myself didnt choose to become a glutton.
i just cant stop eating those MMs, or the snickers, or the mars bars, or the beer come to think of it.
my name is walt collins, i'm a 23 guy in melbourne, australia, migrated from the uk 4 years ago.. i've been going through some pain lately, my mother (still in the .
uk) and i have really had a rough period and she's decided to put .
her religion before me and after many heated conversations, we are now no longer in contact.. .
hi there.
your mum seems tough, allthough i did much the same when my sister moven in with her boyfriend, including the damming letter.
its difficult to deal with. i personally dont approve of homosexuality, but perhaps you could show her where the new testament equates it to gluttony.
Ask her how many fat people she treats so disrespectully.
either way its noones place here to judge you, least of all me, and i wish you well, and i hope you make some peace with your mother. allthough maybe shes just afraid youll take her the "gay marde gra"