The answer is, nothing would stop them from planning one. But reality would very likely prevent them from implementing it.
Exactly. Had Kennedy approved it, Cuba would likely be a US territory today - like a Puerto Rico. But when you compare the Kennedy administration to the Bush one, what major differences do you come away with? I see a "my way or the highway" mentality. You have a VP who equates the pulling of troops out of a neverending war as "supporting the terrorists" and being "anti-American." I'm just waiting for the pres or vp to flat out say, "We run this country, not you. Stay out of our business American people."
it was a terrible idea and wouldn't have worked.
Is this simply your opinion or is it from someone that had input to Northwoods? From what I read, they had it planned down to a tee. It was only Kennedy who quashed it. Kennedy's entire JCoS signed off on it. Obviously they thought it would be a good idea...
Again, Northwoods doesn't prove anything about 9/11 - I have no problem with that. But in light of this document becoming public, it shows that a precedence existed dating back to the 1960's, at least. Who knows what else has happened in the world since then which was fabricated by governments.