What the hell do you think Uranium Enrichment is for?!
Umm, what exactly fuels nuclear power plants again? Hint: It's very warm and radioactive. It is well known(publically) that Iran will be running low on oil reserves in the very near future. Unless they can figure out a way to burn sand and make electricity, nuclear is the easiest alternative.
I'll repeat this for the 4000th time, Iran has openly stated that they wish to WIPE ISRAEL OFF THE MAP!
And if you didn't catch it 4k times before, Iran has explained that they wish to see the government/state of Israel wiped off the political map. As in redrawing the lines. There is a difference here. It's just that the media has taken a lost in translation moment and run with it. What better way to stir up emotions by insinuating that one country wishes to see another country blown to bits by a nuke. Iran has never said such a thing. It was the event of the creation of the Israeli state that they are upset about -- as is also supported by many other Arab countries, not just Iran.
I know your'e concerned that they have a right to have their wepaons to kill us, but don't you think your'e going a little too far here in your defense of the enemies rights.
I'm not talking about weapons. I was talking about nuclear power generation. Here again - a huge difference. I didn't give these countries their "rights." It was the world community in general that forged a treaty stating that any nation could develop nuclear technology for civilian use. According to this treaty, even the USA is supposed to be helping Iran. Since they care not to, the USA might as well back out of the NPT.
I might also mention that the Russians have been assisting Iran in developing this tecnology and if you beleive for one second that the Russsians or the Iranians have good intentions towards the US you are in dreamland.
Well, there you go. At least one NPT signatory nation has helped Iran develop nuclear technology. And how exactly do you know what the intentions are of the Russians? I'm very curious to know where this development came from. That's not dreamland, that is called reading whatever news sources are available to me. Now you have me very curious about the Russians. Are you sure you're not dreaming this up?
Hell you know what Hitler had rights too. How dare we tried to stop him from taking over the world. Get real dude!
Wow, how many flaws are you gonna throw my way? Could you please make a quick comparison of Iran to Hitler for me and show which items line up? I'll start you off -- Hitler was taking over Europe by force. Iran is taking over, uh, umm, damn it. I forgot who it is they are killing and occupying. Care to help me out here?