JoinedPosts by Jourles
How Many of us Have Shared Our Stories on JWD ? Helps us Know you Better
by flipper injust thought of starting this thread because of the problem of living in an emotionally disconnected society as we do.
some of us have shared our personal stories with you all, my wife and mine was , " the story of mr. & mrs. flipper ".
i think it would be good to share some insight into ourselves , then perhaps others on the board will be understanding more deeply about posts that we start.
Will the Book Study ever be dropped from the weekly meetings?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe book study is one of the most useless meetings.
the same books have been studied 3 or 4 times.the meeting takes only an hour but takes up most of your evening.
and, it is one of the least attended meetings.. why haven't they combined the watchtower study with just question and answer and then follow with the book study with just question and answer?
I can't believe no one has made this comment yet....The real reason why they won't get rid of the BS is because it doesn't cost the WTS or congregation any money out of pocket to hold them. Plus, if an accident or anything bad were to happen, it would take place on someone else's property and not theirs.
"full liberty of conscience" (1920)
by tfjw inhere is something we will probably never hear or read again in the wt: .
"we would not refuse to treat one as a brother because he did not believe the society is the lord's channel.
if others see it in a different way, that is their privilege.
Yep, I used that quote in my so long friends! letter right before I was df'd.
Too bad the quote is over 80 years old. You will never see such a quote used ever again in the WT literature. Ever.
The Movie "Borat "- Did you Like it? What Did you Learn from It ?
by flipper inprobably a lot of you saw borat.
my wife and i laughed our selfs crazy watching it.
mrs. flipper actually fell on the floor watching it, laughing !
A lot of people don't know about it, but he started off on HBO doing Da Ali G Show. This is where Borat was created. I also found it quite amazing how he was able to interview so many famous and high ranking officials in the government.
If you go to YouTube, you can find a bunch of Borat compilations from his Ali G days. Those skits are just as funny as the ones in the movie.
Great photo - JW wife with assault rifle
by Jourles insome days i just can't figure her out.
at first it was coc and now it is *questionable* weapons.
a friend of mine from volleyball invited my jw wife and i out to go shooting.
We were joking that she had such little hands and could barely butt the stock up to her arm/chest. We had to readjust the straps a couple times to get it to fit her right. But yes, she is only ~5'-4". Between this rifle, a "hunting rifle" and a pistol, she said that the controls were much easier for her to handle on the AR-15.(safety, clip release, etc)
She does originally hail from Texas, so I guess steel and gun powder runs in her genes somewhere.
Great photo - JW wife with assault rifle
by Jourles insome days i just can't figure her out.
at first it was coc and now it is *questionable* weapons.
a friend of mine from volleyball invited my jw wife and i out to go shooting.
No, she does not know I put her pic up here(I've done it in the past with trip pics but blurred out her face). I don't see how it's a big deal - you cannot make out her face.
The "women are a large army" comment ran through my mind for a WT cover as well... Puts a totally different spin on that phrase.
Blondie needs encouragement
by blondie ini have been battling an incurable illness and will be able to post less and less.
i will post my email, and any help you cna asend my way will be appreciated.
there is treatment but no cure and no cancer yet.
Blondie and Irrev, I'm thinking of you two. I really hope everything turns out ok. God knows the site wouldn't be the same without your presence(or any of the meetups you guys attend).
Great photo - JW wife with assault rifle
by Jourles insome days i just can't figure her out.
at first it was coc and now it is *questionable* weapons.
a friend of mine from volleyball invited my jw wife and i out to go shooting.
That picture should be on the front page of a Watchtower.
"Tools we can use to help Jesus at Armageddon"
"Keeping your eye on the prize -- $10k bounty for each confirmed apostate kill"
Great photo - JW wife with assault rifle
by Jourles insome days i just can't figure her out.
at first it was coc and now it is *questionable* weapons.
a friend of mine from volleyball invited my jw wife and i out to go shooting.
Some days I just can't figure her out. At first it was CoC and now it is *questionable* weapons. A friend of mine from volleyball invited my jw wife and I out to go shooting. He has quite a few guns and he brought three of them for us to try out. For those who didn't already know, my wife is a staunch jw and is very active. I just thought I HAD to share this photo of her shooting an AR-15 assault rifle. I bet you don't see these types of pics all too often - jw sisters with this type of gun, that is.
My friend and I were both surprised. She is a hell of a shot.
Unbelievable - Bush sets aside $50B for new war - inside our borders!
by Jourles in
who's next on the hitlist?.
Oh, come now. This isn't that explosive...