9 bucks a gallon!
Well it's a good thing we're not so far technologically advanced to where we have to put bottled water into our tanks for the same gas mileage! But water's supposed to be free, man! (don't remember what commercial that was from)
how will that personally affect you?
9 bucks a gallon!
Well it's a good thing we're not so far technologically advanced to where we have to put bottled water into our tanks for the same gas mileage! But water's supposed to be free, man! (don't remember what commercial that was from)
anyone heard of this group before?.
i just heard about them today on an episode of the skeptics guide to the universe.
As everyone else already mentioned, this site has been around for years. It was even around during the H2O days(pre-JWD). It was one of the first sites that really made my brain start thinking for itself as I was 'coming out.'
i watched this film last night, and it made me really really grateful that we have free health care in the uk.
i know we complain about the state of the nhs, but the bottom line is if there is ever anything wrong with me my first thought will not be 'does my insurance cover this' or 'can i afford this'.. there was one part of the film where michael moore takes some people to cuba to get free health care and one woman picks up inhalers for 5 cents a piece, that are costing her $120 in the us.
she just breaks down and crys at the disparity of the cost.. it was also telling to see the insurance companies employ people specifically to try and find ways to deny claims or to void policies where a claim has been made.
Just watched that pathetic piece of crap last night. How dare the fact that French doctors can live in a million dollar house, own two expensive cars and make only around $200,000 per year...AND offer their top-notch, socialized medicine to everyone!
Get yer facts straight ya damn Neo-Rightwing-O'ReillyRush MM basher! It was a British NHS dr that made the 200k, not a silly Frenchman!
a list of things which $611 billion could pay for:.
obviously, 70,000 years of dicek's salary isn't a good example on how to spend it, but some of the others make you think, where did our priorities go?.
A list of things which $611 billion could pay for:
Obviously, 70,000 years of DiceK's salary isn't a good example on how to spend it, but some of the others make you think, where did our priorities go?
i want to thank a christian for the a mormon president?
thread that inspired this one.. so, what do you think?.
what would you think about a jewish prez?.
And the previous President carried a HUGE f*****g Bible,
But still, the difference between the two is glaring:
Bush: “I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn’t do my job.’’
Clinton: "I like sex. I love to get my freak on."
If I had to choose between two men as president and one said God speaks through him and the other liked to get his freak on, I'd pick the freaky one any day. (ok, ok - the first quote is real; the second one, well, you figure it out)
i want to thank a christian for the a mormon president?
thread that inspired this one.. so, what do you think?.
what would you think about a jewish prez?.
Anyway, if you want the whole story you can go to:http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/o/obama-salute.htm
And by the way...this photo is for real. He did not salute or acknowledge national anthem.
You're playing into the chain email originator's and conservative spin doctor's hands. True, the photo is real, but the message is not. The National Anthem nor the Pledge of Allegiance was sung or spoken. The original chain email should have given a head's up to most readers with its use of these words:
Obama’s middle name is “Hussein” and says he “REFUSED TO NOT ONLY PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE PLEDGE.....how in the hell can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief????”
Appeal to emotions based on lies. What other reason would there be to bring up his middle name? Hussein? Saddam Hussein...Barack Hussein...Oh shit! This dude could be a tyrant/dictator/terrorist! I can't believe some people are still influenced by this crap(not saying you are).
If you want to hear for yourself what was going on at the time this photo was taken, watch this video:
It was the Star Spangled Banner which was being sung. Here is a more balanced article of the event. I would suggest that everyone read it. Did you know that the SSB was originally a drinking song? In that case, I would chastise all of the candidates for not holding up a mug of cider and swaying with the words.
i watched this film last night, and it made me really really grateful that we have free health care in the uk.
i know we complain about the state of the nhs, but the bottom line is if there is ever anything wrong with me my first thought will not be 'does my insurance cover this' or 'can i afford this'.. there was one part of the film where michael moore takes some people to cuba to get free health care and one woman picks up inhalers for 5 cents a piece, that are costing her $120 in the us.
she just breaks down and crys at the disparity of the cost.. it was also telling to see the insurance companies employ people specifically to try and find ways to deny claims or to void policies where a claim has been made.
Yep, saw the film and met MM at the premiere:
As MM brought up in the film and as many people, including myself, have repeatedly mentioned, the folks against "Socialism" (or in their minds Communism -- ooooooo!) are quite content with the "socialized" services they receive nowadays. What if you had to pay for Fire or Police Dept insurance? What if you called 911 and the first thing they asked you was, "What insurance do you have?" The next time you dial 911, think about this and the role socialism plays in our US society. If someone gets bent out of shape over Socialism, I would highly suggest you start weening yourself off of these services in your community. Get a larger garden hose, setup a super secure alarm system in your house, get a gun - do what you need to do to get yourself out of the system. Hmmm, is it any coincidence that our fire trucks are painted Red?
hellllllllllo all :)
so anyone from any denver congregations?
i was in the bear valley cong.
CG, I was in Greenwood Village for only two years('00-'01). I have a hard time remembering some of the last names from there, but if you wanted to pm me with the families that you knew, I would recall them easier. I'm good at remembering the faces, but I'm superbad with names. You mentioned Orchard Park as being one of the congos -- when I was there, the only two english congos were Greenwood Village and DTC, with a foreign language group that met on the lower level. The hall was on Orchard.
having almost gotten over my jw ex-best friend telling me she could no longer be my friend, handing me back my spare keys, sending a note and present to my kids with not even a 'dear sam', shunning me in the park, etc, etc she now sacks her immigrant cleaner (who became her cleaner due to my recommendation a year ago) by text message.
cleaner phones her to check out what's going on and she tells her you can no longer clean for us as you work for sam and my husband wants us to have no connection whatever - you may tell her things about us and we don't want that.
charming, another kick in the stomach for me and a great witness to the cleaner (who ironically we found out a few months ago has a father who is a witness!).
I know it's rough when your friends do that to you, but there is a way to look at this positively. Just keep telling yourself that by your friend's example, they unknowingly kept a "worldly" person from ever joining this cult....and you didn't have to say a word.
"By their fruitage..."
hellllllllllo all :)
so anyone from any denver congregations?
i was in the bear valley cong.
CHL, were you in the DTC congo? I was in the Greenwood Village side. The best man in my wedding, Josh B.(a biggie sized version of Beavis), was, and I believe still is in the DTC hall. He married a sister from the UK. We both were in the Monument hall too(his folks still are).