I keep advocating that this information is not really much of a change...if at all. For sure it in no way reverts the GEN teaching back to a lifetime link with 1914 so what difference does it make if the new GEN is just anointed or keeps the GC in?
You already hit on it. From the GC's perspective, it doesn't affect them AT ALL. If this were a true jw board and all of us posting on it were of the GC, what does this change do for us? Nothing. The carrot on the stick was pulled back in '95 and hasn't been lowered in front of us since. Back prior to '95, the only carrot the GB had was the "generation" teaching. That was my carrot when I was growing up. I do not remember any other incentive during my younger years for looking forward to paradise. It was going to be soon, very soon. That dangling carrot had a few words inscribed on it as well: "Good until the year 2000. It will come without fail."
Name one current doctrine that the GC has today that gives them the hope of paradise coming very soon - within a decade or so? I can't name one. The GB better come up with something quick, because if the r&f start to lose interest feeling that they may not see paradise within their lifetime, the GB will also lose control. This could very well be the GB's intention. They may be laying out this foundation first - the control aspect - and then they will introduce a new, coming soon, paradise doctrine. They will have to. You cannot control a disgruntled employee. If an employee loses their benefits or incentives, what reason do they have in staying on and working? I wouldn't. I would leave.
Always remember to look at the WTS and the r&f as an employer/employee relationship. Never as a religious one. If you try to decipher their moves as religiously or biblically based, it will make your head spin. But view it as a business, and everything will become more clear and understandable.