Confirmed! Watchtower Feb 15 08 brings the "generation" change

by observador 175 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • observador


    I just confirmed the "generation" change from another forum in Portuguese. The following is the text in Portuguese:

    Transcrição de A Sentinela - 15 de fevereiro de 2008 - pag. 24 parágrafo 15:

    15 Hoje, as pessoas que não têm entendimento espiritual acham que não há nada de "impressionantemente observável" com respeito ao sinal da presença de Jesus. Acham que tudo continua como antes. (2 Ped. 3:4) Por outro lado, os fiéis irmãos ungidos de Cristo, a atual classe de João, reconhecem esse sinal como se fosse um relâmpago e entendem seu real significado. Como grupo, esses ungidos compõem a atual "geração" de contemporâneos que não passará "até que todas estas coisas ocorram".*Isso indica que alguns dos irmãos ungidos de Cristo ainda estarão vivos na terra quando a predita grande tribulação começar.



    * Pelo visto, o período no qual "esta geração" vive pararece corresponder ao período abrangido pela primeira visão do livro de Revelação. (Rev. 1:10-3:22) Esse aspecto do dia do Senhor se estende deste 1914 até que o último dos fiéis ungidos morra e seja ressucitado - Veja Revelação - Seu Grandioso Clímax Está Próximo!, página 24. parágrafo 4.

    And here is the English translation:

    Watchtower - February 15 2008 - page 24 paragraph 15:

    15 Today, people who don't have the spiritual understanding think that there is nothing of "stunningly observable" as to the signs of Jesus' presence. They reason that all continues as before. (2 Peter 3:4) On the other hand, the faithful brothers of Christ, the present class of John, recognize this sign as if it was a lightning and understand its real meaning. As a group, those anointed comprise the present "generation" of comtemporaries who won't pass away "until all the things come to pass".* This indicates that some of anointed brothers of Christ will still be alive on earth when the foretold great tribulation begins.


    * Apparently, the period in which "this generation" lives seems to correspond to the period covered by the first vision of the book of Revelation. (Rev. 1:10-3:22) This aspect of the day of the Lord extends from 1914 until when the last of the faithful anointed dies and is ressurected - See Revelation - Its Grand Climax at Hand! page 24, paragraph 4.



  • prophecor

    Here We Go Again

  • hubert

    New light.


  • Priest73

    new light? its time to change the bulb.

  • JCanon

    Amazing. Thanks for this info. I must admit and has been commented before, at least this seems to be a better explanation for a failed "generation" of 80 years in 1994 for the coming of the "great tribulation." With the new JW-only magazines coming out, no telling what they will be using for more control of their followers.

    They needed a better "last generation" explanation so now they have it. Oh well....


  • tijkmo

    well if you make enough guesses one of them is gonna come true eh

  • carla

    Won't most rank & file say there is no change?

  • JCanon
    Won't most rank & file say there is no change?

    It won't matter to them. The WTS has always had in place the concept that the actual "fulfillment" of something is what determines the correct interpretation. Therefore, if the 80 years from 1914 to 1994 didn't work out, as one would think was the reference, then they presume that was not what Jesus really meant and now they have come up with this meaning... one that connections a loose concept of a "generation" to the events in the Bible. Basically they are thinking that at least one person of the anointed who is last sealed into the kingdom would be alive at the time of the "great tribulation" and Armageddon, so that fulfills it and allows to extend past the Biblical-based "generation" of either 40 or 80 years. But on this point it's a moot point anyway. That's because the Bible clearly says the tribulation is completely over before the "sign of the son of man" appears. "Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days....". JWs absolutely need for this to mean, "Immediately after the beginning of the tribulation.." Thus those who see the "sign of the son of man" are those who see it at the last minute during Armageddon. Fine. But the Bible doesn't say that. It says AFTER the tribulation, meaning it is over. If the tribulation is "Armageddon" then this happens AFTER Armageddon. That means the second coming is AFTER Armageddon. It doesn't work. This error thus is more significant than an expanded concept of the "last generation." But this in no way means the Bible is not true, That's because, in this case, the "great tribulation" is not Armageddon but is talking about WWII and the HOLOCAUST. This is when the Jews are almost completely exterminated and the "days had to be cut short or else no FLESH would be saved." This is talking about the flesh of the natural Jews, two-thirds of whom were wiped out during WII (but as prophesied at Zech 13:8). Thus once the Holocaust is over then they would start seeing the sign of the son of man appear. Incidentally all this happens within a 40-year generation from 1914-1954. So they are clueless totally and in total spiritual darkness as was also prophesied. They have no holy spirit to understand the truth now. So they will end up with one false teaching after another. But we doe see some renewed focus here, some increased activity with respect to the organization with the new JW-Only magazine. Thus it will be fulfilled that when they are destroyed along with BTG it will be when they are "still alive", meaning, still an active and viable organization for all intents and purposes, thus with many current believers. JCanon

  • WTWizard

    Here is what it means. There will still be some of the anointed on the earth when "it" hits. However, since they reopened the door back last May, new anointed ones are going to continue showing up. Which means this can bumble on forever, as new anointed appear to replace those dying out.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>With the new JW-only magazines coming out, no telling what they will be using for more control of their followers.

    Yes, it could get pretty wacky. Should be fun!

    >>since they reopened the door back last May, new anointed ones are going to continue showing up. Which means this can bumble on forever

    Agreed, I think that's the point of this one. It's brilliant; the urgency is kind of there, since there is a perception of the anointed as an older group ("Hurry up and die already!"), but it keeps them being tied to a date.


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